Freya gallagher milkovich

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Freya's pov
Hi I'm Freya Gallagher milkovich the daughter of Ian and mickey they have been married for 2 years now and me well I'm there only daughter

A bit about me
-I'm bipolar like my dad ian u heard abt him well he works as a EMT he was raised by his older sister he has 5 and I mean 5 other siblings I know right crazy

- I have really bad attitude like my dad mickey the king of the southside had a sister my aunt Mandy I don't really see her anymore his dad my grandad he's homophobic and racist he doesn't like me 1 bit but I'm fine with that

- my dads let me do whatever the fuck I want as long as it's legal but what they don't know doesn't hurt them right?

- and I have a brother we'll half brother something about my dad and some girl he had sex with bc of terry and that's is so he would be 18 now bc I'm 16

Anyways On with the story...

It was pretty much a normal day in the Gallagher milkovich house my two dads cuddled up together and me sitting with them watching the tv when we all turned our heads to someone banging in the door
"Go get it firecrotch"mickey said to Ian
Ian walked over to the door when he opened it I don't know he had a shocked face me and my dad looked at him and mickey turned and walked towards there bedroom I think he's pissed it was a guy he looked cute small curly hair and muscular

My dad let him him he said hi to me so I replied with a hey just to be nice what if he was family

Ian's pov
Me and my family was just sitting on the couch when the door went I walked over to see t-Trevor what the fuck he knows I'm married right probably not
I hugged him and turned back to the couch seeing mickey walk of in to our room
"Is this a bad time"
"No no trev come in it's fine"

He walked in I followed behind closing the door
"So who's this" Trevor asked confused
"It's Freya my daughter"
"Wait u have a daughter since when"
"Since last year"
"Wait with who"
"With mickey u remember him"
" oh the one u ran off for the convict"
"Yep that's the one" I replied starting to get pissed of

"Hey frey go check on ur dad"
"Sure dad"

Mickeys pov
As soon as I saw Trevor I couldn't handle it I walked of i know I don't show emotion but when it comes to Ian and Freya god I would kill anyone then

Moment later I heard the door open
"Dad are u okay"
"Yea Frey why"
"U look upset is it bc of dad and Trevor"
"What happened"
"Well I went to prision and ur dad fell in love with Trevor when I escaped for Ian he came to Mexico with me but he left me at the border and he was still with Trevor I don't know sometimes I think I will lose ur dad he doesn't deserve me"

"Dad,Ian loves u so much if he didn't he wouldn't of married you"
"Yea dad"
"Do u like Trevor"
"He's okay,but I'd prefer you and Ian to be my dads"

"Did Trevor say anything abt me"
"No he just said that Ian left him for a convict"
"Hey I've been 4 years out of jail now ur lucky"
"Yea,I love u dad"
"I love you to Frey"

"Can we go kick Trevor out now"

Freyas pov
After me and my dad spoke we both walked out to the living room to Trevor leaning in to kiss my dad

Seconds later I saw mickey lunge at him kicking his ass out the house

I don't know what else to write do that's being left there

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