Mandy and mickey

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Mick: yo stop stealing my husband

Mandy: I'm not

Mick: really

Mandy: yes really

Mick: me and him was hanging out till u asked him to hang out

Mandy: not my fault he wants to hang w me sometimes

Mick: whatever

Mandy: mhm

Mick: don't "mhm" me

Mandy: shut the fuck up dude it's okay I'll look after him

Mick: u better if he comes home in pieces I'll break ur fucking neck

Mandy: haha like u would

Mick: I would

Mandy: sure

Mick: don't test me

Mandy: all I said was sure

Mick: it was sarcasm

Mandy: 🖕🏻

Mickey: 🖕🏻

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