Milkovich family

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About the milkoviches

There mean
Deal drugs
There all homophobes,racists and neo-nazis

And who would've that that mickey milkovich the biggest wannabe road man fell in love with his carrot top as he likes to call him firecrotch

The whole family was okay with him being gay Mandy was beyond happy that her brother found someone he loves even married

Iggy was happy there was sometimes the gay jokes but that's the older brother for ya

Colin wasn't very happy but he didn't care who mickey dated aslong as they didn't hurt his younger brother there fine

Now mickeys dad or Terry as everyone calls him he wasn't ass happy as they wanted him to be when Terry had caught mickey and his lover mickey and Ian got beat up and held at gun point whilst a Russian hand who're raped mickey and Ian was forced to watch worst part he was forced to marry her

Then his lover was diagnosed with with bipolar disorder and mickey still loved him no matter what

Now here him and his lover are now still in love and enjoying every moment of there lives

Just like there meant to be happy no one to ruin it yea they have had there ups and downs but they was always soulmates even if one of them left they always found there way back
There each others home

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