No nut november

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"So tami got me doing this no november thing"

"No nut noevember?"ian asked with a. Questionable look

"U can't have sex or any kind or oral manipulation"
"U should try it"

"I can't do that around mickey"

"Let's ask him"

"Hey Mickey come here"

"What u want"

"What's the longest time u and Ian have gone without sex"

"A day"

"Try the no nut november so u can't have sex or any kind of touching for a month"


"What mick"

"It seems fun"

"U tryna kill me"

"Maybe" mickey said as lip chuckled to him self

"Good luck you too"

That how they got here both in a lot of pain and it was only the start of the month

November 1st
Ian slept on the couch and mickey slept in their room so they didn't get a boner from being near eachother

November 2nd
Ian and mickey was doing okay so far they could control themselves

November 3rd
Ian started having a hard on after seeing mickey in the shower he was in pain from not being able to sort his problem out in his pants in so mickey just saw and laughed

November 4th
"Ian, we should put money in this"


"If u touch urslef or me before me u have too give me a blow job whenever I want"

"And if u touch urslef it me before me you have to let me lick ur ass"

"Dude really?"


"Okay bet"

They shook hands and went on about their days

November 5th
Mickey was at the alibi getting drunk to ignore his ginormous erection he had

Ian was at work going on about his day trying to get the image of mickey out of his head and what ian would like to do to him

November 6th
Ian and mickey was happily asleep when mickey woke up to ian talking about him in his sleep

Mickey started to get hard from what Ian was saying wich wasn't helping the situation he put himself in

"Ian wake up"


"Ur making me hard stop"

"Maybe I can help you"

"No no no"

"Please.i can make you scream my name"

"I'm gonna go sleep downstairs"


November 7th
Ian was struggling he had a massive hard on, he could feel the material of his trousers rubbing his dick to him it was nice but he struggled to stop due to the friction it caused

November 8th
Mickey mentally slapped himself for ever listening to lip again,he kept getting hard so mickey decided to ignore Ian even if that meant living with his dad till it's over

November 9th
Ian decided he couldn't take it anymore he had to do something his erecting was really big and painful he wanted the month to just end

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