Living with the milkoviches

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⚠️TW ⚠️

Mentions of: self harm and rape

Living with them wasn't easy especially for Mandy she was the youngest out of her brothers

Colin, Iggy and Mickey was all over protective over Mandy

Since Mandy met Ian she was happier but not as happy Mandy had a lot of things going on in her head with the her dad raping her to the guys using her for sex she didn't feel okay and she couldn't talk to anyone not even her own family

Mandy, was 14 when she started hurting herself wearing long sleeved clothes no one tempted to ask why because they knew Terry and the milkoviches but that didn't stop Ian from finding out

Mickey, iggy and Colin was all out on a run with Terry, Ian was over at the Milkoviches keeping her company

It was just a normal hangout some beer some weed cuddled up watching movies

Mandy already knew Ian was gay and pining after mickey

Mandy was half asleep on the couch when she rubbed her arm forgeting about it
"Ow fuck"
Mandy moaned knowing her bandages have came of re opening her wounds

"U okay Mandy"
"Ye I'm fine"

Mandy thought at this moment he's gonna find out all these twisted secrets lies

"Why don't u take ur jacket of"
"No no I'm fine Ian"
"Mandy your obviously in pain"

"Let me help"
In so mandy complies slowly taking her jacket of revealing her fresh cuts


Moments after the door opened revealing as she ran to her room so they didn't see
"Don't say a word please"

When she ran to her room it caught the attention of the youngest brother
"Why's she running of for"
"I don't know" Ian said with an unsure look in his eyes

"Ur lying gallagher and you know I don't like liars"
"I'm not lying"Ian explained with a voice crack

"Your still lying"
"I'm not I swear"
"Whatever gallagher" mickey mumbled walking away Toward Mandy's room

"Ay mands you okay"
"YES LEAVE ME ALONE" Mandy screamed in pure panic
"Okay Jesus we brought food come get it whenever"

After about an hour Mandy had finally came out of her room with a clean jumper on and a tear stained face

Ian waited for her to come out of the room and when she did he hugged her tightly whispering in here ear

"It's okay you know to feel like shit can u talk to me text time"
Mandy just nodded her head in agreement

The hug lasted a while wich left mickey to watch the pair hug before interrupting
"Oi, come and eat"

The pair pulled away and went of to eat some food and carry on with there film.

It was a couple weeks later and summer time had came around
Mandy was wearing her long sleeve jumpers and leggings covering up her body

Mickey and Ian had started getting along and they eventually started dating

Mandy always asked Ian for help when she had the urge to harm herself

She admitted to being scared to tell her brothers as they would feel like that they should've been there to help

It was around 2am everyone was asleep even Ian and mickey

Mandy silently walked in to there room trying not to wake her brother
When she go to the side Ian was on, she rubbed his shoulder waking him up
"Hey Mandy what's up"
"Can u come on a walk with me"
"Ye of course I can let me get dressed"
Ian got up and walked out the room fully clothed as they both left the house

"How are you feeling"
"Haven't relapsed in almost 2 days"
"Omg Mandy well done I'm so proud of you"Ian said whilst bringing Mandy in to a hug.

They just walked around a bit more before going home

It was 7am when they got home as they watched the sunrise

Mickey was already awake baking breakfast
As they walked in the door mickeys head shot up seeing his sister and boyfriend walk in

"Where was u both"
"Just walking clearing my head"
"Ah right"

Mickey still never found out
Mandy started feeling guilty but knew it was bout time to tell him

It's 2021 now and terrys dead iggy and colin left ian and mickey are now married mandy came home for a while to see the married couple but also to tell Mickey her deepest secrets

When she got to their apartment door ian was there to welcome her in a big hug, "hey mands"

"I got to tell u and mickey something"

Mandy walked in and sat on the sofa after grabbing a beer from the fridge

"So what you gotta tell us"

"I'm 3 years clean"

"Mandy that's amazing I'm so proud of you" ian said with a smile on his face

"What do you mean clean"mickey asked confused

"When I was 14 I started hurting myself. I never told you because well I didn't want you to worry"

"Is that why I went out late with ian and he hugged you"


"You could've told me mands I'm here for you, you know"

"Ye, but u was dealing with Terry and then you had yevgeny and it was all to much"

"I still could've helped you"

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, but I'm happy that u for clean I'm proud of you"


"You should've told me gallagher"

"Not my thing to tell"
"Plus I made him swear he wouldn't say a word because I could deal with it on my own"

"Oh, but ur okay now"

"Yep, better then ever"


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