Fmsily day out

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After Fiona left the Gallaghers tried to make a family day out very recently the two older boys decided to take up racing Fiona would always go and watch her two younger brothers Being really proud of them

They was all on the way to the track with the two cars
Lip driving and tami,Liam,Debbie,franny and Fred and in the other truck was Frank driving (pretend his sober) mickey ian and Carl  they was all enjoying the time they had this chance to hang out and Fiona was going to be there later  after an hour later they had all arrived ian and lip getting taking there cars of the trucks and making sure there okay

When they looked up the saw Fiona and Jimmy walking towards them they all ran and hugged Fiona while Frank just helped fix the cars

People came by talking to the family just being polite

Franny and Fred had fell asleep in the truck so they let them be till the racing starts

I don't know how they got much sleep from all the noise

Ian was filling his car up with petrol when it got stuck in the hose pipe so he sucked and let it out but it went bad he got petrol In his mouth and eyes. "Ow fuck I can't see" ian shouted he tried rubbing his eyes that didn't exactly help so Frank grabbed some Water  and rinsed his eyes out helping the burning mickey looked a little bit worried for his husband because ian was in a lot of pain Fiona looked at Ian's eyes and said "u gotta get them checked out they've gone all red" " no I'm fine AY lip u ready" " yea"

Ian and lip got in the cars and started there engines and off they went to line up to go on the track debbie and tami got picked up by Fiona and Jimmy and they took the kids back home as they was getting pretty restless

After a couple of races became there last race and just there luck there cars stopped working all u could hear was a lot of fucks and shits from both brothers that's there cars stopped working

So they just decided to clear up and pack away Liam put Ian and lips helmets and suits in the truck and put the tools bakc where they came from

Ian and lip out there cars back on the truck with some help from Frank and Carl and after packing up they finally went off back home after a long day of everyone together and cheering on the two brothers

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