The next day

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The day after Terry died and lip broke the wall

"WHAT THE FUCK" lip screamed as Ian wakes down the stairs to make him and his husband coffee

"What's with all the shouting"

"Did u do this"

"What fix the wall no"

"Then who did"

"How would I know I've been with mick"

"Right,fuck sorry man just tired"

"Lip, take a nap"


"U drinking again"

"What the fuck no I'm not are u taking ur meds"

"Yea I am and sorry just wondering"

"No no sorry I've been so worked up doing this and haven't asked if ur okay"

"I'm fine, Terry died last night so I'm taking care of mick"

"How did he die, and u always took care of and u didn't. Need to"

"A nun, and yea but I like to take care of people"

"I'm sorry a what"

"Yea A nun killed mickeys dad because he's "a bad man" like we didn't know that already"

"Oh how's mick"

"He's okay, he was crying for some reason, but I guess even if u hate a parent u still gonna care"

"Yea, u cared about monica when she died"

"Yea but mickeys nothing like Terry I'm like monica"

"Ur not like monica even if fi said u are ur not ur taking ur meds ur married still and ur looking after urself u haven't bailed on us yet"

"But we're both bipolar"

"So mickey stuck we stuck we all are still here ur still here"

"Mickey thinks that he will become his dad"


"He's worried he will hit me or be a homophobe or racist"

"Remind him he won't"

"Don't u think I tried that"

"U got this ian, ur Ian and mickey u always figured shit out u can never leave eachother even if u tried"


"Remember when it was when he first when to prison"

"Yea after kash shot him"

"U was always fighting for him and u always kept fighting he never let u go and u never let him go"

"What do u know about love lip"


"Yea sure u cheated on my best friend my fucking best friend with Karen Jackson ur the reason she left"

" no she left bc of Kenyatta"


"Don't u think I feel guilty"

"I should of beat ur ass when I had the chance but no because Mandy loved u and ur my brother"


"Yea whatever"Ian muttered while finishing making the coffee to take upstairs to his dad husband"

In the bedroom

"U loved mandy"

"U heard that"

"As much as I can hear"

"I shouldn't stopped her from leaving"

"Nah man we tried and we couldn't stop her she would've left either way"


"I know but u was manic and I was looking after you"

"Yea u should've been looking after her not me"

"I love u and I would've done anything to make sure ur okay and she knows that"

"Yea whatever"



"I love you"

"I love you too"

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