Ian and debbie

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Ian: I'm sorry

Debbie: sure u are

Ian: I am I'm rlly sorry debs I shouldn't have said that

Debbie: well u did can't take it back now

Ian: Ik Ik just I was mad and upset and I took that shit out on ya

Debbie: why do u wanna leave the house anyways

Ian: debbie, me and mick are two grown ass adults we gotta leave the house at some point it's to cramped and with his family next door it's to much

Debbie: nah I get it

Ian: get what

Debbie: u want to leave all those memories when u came home from the army and shrink all out fast food dinners out parties seeing Frank be passed out on the floor

Ian; I will miss that shit but we gotta move on debs

Debbie: why

Ian: because we all are grown ups now and it's time and we can still visit eachother

Debbie: until u all forget about me

Ian; we won't forget abt u

Debbie: really like u haven't

Ian: I haven't forgotten about u I'm still ur big brother and always will be

Debbie; lip has

Ian: yea but lips lip he has a kid don't mean he's forgot u

Debbie: and Carl

Ian: carls a cop he's busy he still cares about u we all do

Debbie: okay

Ian: I love ya debs

Debbie: love u to

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