Ian and debbje

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Ian: so what's up

Debbie; nothing I'm fine

Ian: clearly ur not

Debbie: why is it me that everyone leaves

Ian: meaning?

Debbie: friends left me, relationships failed, now u guys are leaving me

Ian: we're gallaghers that's what happens

Debbie: u lost mickey so many times yet he still came bakc to u

Ian: yea but mickeys mickey

Debbie: so howd u deal with it losing him and that

Ian: I mean, it hurt but we left eachother and me and him went through much worse then that

Debbie: like?

Ian: umm, I watched him get married
I broke up w him bc of my bipolar and Monica got in my head

Debbie: oh

Ian: Ik people have left u, and I know that shit hurts but it gets better

Debbie: how

Ian: I thought being bipolar everyone will leave but look I have a great family and a husband

Debbie: yea maybe

Ian: and we aren't leaving u yes moving out but we will never leave u and we might need u to do our taxes in the future bc ur the only one out of all of us good at counting money lol

Debbie; yea

Debbie: I miss Fiona

Ian: I do too Debs I do too

Debbie: thanks

Ian; always here if u need to talk

Debbie: thanks

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