Fuck you dad

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Mickey went to visit terrys grave

"Terry, man I'm glad ur dead things u did to me mandy all of us even Ian man I hope u rot in hell with mum

I remember thinking u was right it was wrong to be gay but it's not I'm happy who I am I wasn't happy pretending to be straight I married the love of my life

And you tried taking him away from em countless times

The things you did to Mandy was horrid and I should've stopped you but didn't bc she lied to protect ur ass"

(Mickey started to feel shit)

"I wish u would've been a good dad to be there at my wedding looking proud of me but u wasn't even mum wasn't there and that's all u all fuckin you

I shouldn't even be crying over you u ruined my life Terry and u deserve to rot in hell"

(Mickey sat down leaning against the gravestone)

"I thought you know I'd turn out like you you fucked us up that much but I'm nothing like you no matter what anyone says I'm happy honestly so fucking happy now ur gone"

Mickey stood back up leaving his last words

"Fuck you dad" mickey left goin back home to his husband wiping the tears from his eyes

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