After marriage

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After ian and mickey got married they got a kid Charlotte and a dog they named Henry, the family starting eating more healthy

The two men would hit the gym 3 times a week

Every night they would all go for little family walk

Charlotte was still in pre school so they would listen to her rant about the kids in her class the. When they get home they would let her read her book for school

It was around 6pm the sun had just set they decided to go for a walk a while after there dinner had set

"Dada dada"
"Ye char"

"U can't catch me"
"I bet I can" ian started chasing after her while she laughs and runs away

"AY U TWO BE CAREFUL" mickey shouted at his husband and his daughter while he was walking behind with Henry

Ian finally caught up to Charlotte and tackled her with tickles and kisses

"Daddy daddy help me"
"No can do hun"Mickey said while chuckling to himself

Mickey smiled to himself thinking about how much himself and ian have gone through that they are finally happy where they are now
-no Terry to fuck everything up
Mickey hates to admit but yes he did miss his dad but it was for the best noe he atleast gets to be happy with his little family

"Hey, u okay" ian said breaking mickey from his thoughts

"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine"

"U missing ur dad again"

"Yea I guess so"

"It's okay babe,ur allowed to miss him"

"I shouldn't miss Him he was a bad parent for what he did to Mandy iggy us"

"I know babe but, ur allowed to miss him hell I miss Frank and Monica no matter how much shit they did to me"

"I guess"

"We have Charlotte and we are good parents we're doing good"

"Yea I guess we are"

"I love u mick so much"

"I love u too"

"Heyyyyy wot about meee"

"I love u too princess"

"U better"

"Of course we do"

They carried on with there walk till Charlotte got tired when they arrived back home they took Charlotte to bed and got her in her pyjamas

While mickey got two beers and sat on the couch turning the tv on

A while after ian came out the room and sat down with his husband

"Did u ever think about if we would end up here"

"What do u mean"

"You know
Seeing eachother again, getting married, having a dog or kid our own house"

"I never did imagine it but I think at 15 when I fell madly in love with you I did and then shit happened and I thought there was no point because I can't fall for a bad person but I'm happy I didn't let you go"

"I'm happy too, sorry for all that shit before"

"It's in the past ain't letting anything fuck us up anymore"

Ian and mickey made eye contact and  just stared in to eachothers eyes not blinking trying not to let this moment go

"Wanna take this to the bedroom"

"Yep" mickey replied and they both got up Turing the tv of and walked to the bedroom having a smirk on the lips just like they did when they was 15 again

And u can guess what they did all night long

The next day they woke up to there 3 year old taping there faces to wake up

"Wake up"

Ian groaned awake as he got out of bed carrying his daughter out to the living room and letting there dog out for a piss

"What do u want for breakfast char"

"I want pancakes pweaseeeee"

"Okay, can u go wake daddy up for me"


Charlotte ran to her dads room jumping up on there bed waking mickey up


"Daddy said u have to wake up now"

"Okay okay"

She ran back out the room shouting
"I did it daddy"

"Thanks angel"

Mickey walked out the room moments later

"What's with not letting me sleep"

"Sorry babe but we gotta go over to lips later so get ready"

"No morning kiss I see how it is"

"Sorry babe"Ian walked over to mickey pulling him in to a long kiss pinning him to the counter Trying not to lose the moment

"Don't do that near me"

"Sorry hun"

Moments later mickey and Ian was ready and just Finishing getting Henry and Charlotte sorted too then they left the house

Happy being where there are and how far they came

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