Debbie and everyone

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Debbie: hey

Debbie: anyone there

Debbie: hello?

Debbie: hello?

Debbie: I was wondering if u know what never mind

Debbie: can someone talk to me
Seen by everyone -10 minutes ago

Debbie: u know what fuck u guys

Carl: can u stop please

Debbie: but-

Carl: what what's goin on in ur life that we need to help me

Debbie: doesn't matter whatever

Carl: debs I didn't mean-

Debbie: it's fine whatever like u would all care anyways

Carl: we do it's just

Debbie: ur all busy

Carl: yea

Debbie: so that's it u work w the feds
Ian's with Mickey
Lips with tami
Liam with Frank
And me I have no one

Ian: well I'm sorry I got married and have a life

Lip: if u can't handle that then lean the fuck out dont trash on us bc ur having a bad day

Debbie: FUCK U

Ian: Debbie

Debbie: what Ian?

Ian: are u okay like really

Debbie: fucking fine

Ian: I know u ur not fine what's up?

Debbie: it don't matter go hang w ur husband Ian

Ian: mick can wait talk to me, private?

Debbie: sure

Ian: okay

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