We meet again gallagher

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After a couple years of living in the southside Ian had moved to the west side as his EMT job was getting better so he had to move he's always busy so he doesn't really visit his family

Mickey had got out of prision
And he tried to call Ian to tell him but no answer

After Ian left he stopped talking to his family and Trevor no idea they think he just went if his meds and needs time

Lip, kept asking mickey if Ian went by but all he replied was no and fuck off

It started with weeks then months then a year and mickey got tired of just sitting down and looking for Ian

Later that day mickey just went to go look for him he checked the fairytale the alibi his old work place no sign of him

Mickey hated the idea but he had to know so he went to the west side and checked everywhere for Ian still no sign of him

Then it clicked the one place he never checked the abandoned building
Mickey started running faster then ever when he got there he was about to give up when he heard soft sniffles and crying from near him

Mickeys heart broke a little bit but it may not be Ian, he won't over to see who it was he turned the corner and there he was his ex boyfriend covered in puke and blood surrounded by beer and vodka bottles and cans

"We meet again gallagher" mickey said with a soft chuckle

"How long you been here"

"WOULD U ATLEAST LOOK AT ME" mickey screamed getting angry

Mickey walked over to him and talk the vodka bottle away from him, threw it across the room

"What the fuck mickey"


"Can u shut the fuck up"

"No, how long u been here"

"Couple months"

"U families worried about you so am I"

"Ugh all ur wa wa bullshit Jesus Christ mick grow some balls"

Mickey was pissed throwing the first punch at him as they started fighting on the ground

A while after they was both sitting down backs to the wall

"So what's with all the blood"

"Lost someone on a run and couldn't handle it so came here"

"Why here"

"Reminded me of you" Ian said not making eye contact

"Why not go home"

"Not my home anymore"

"Ah, so u ran of to the west side then ran off here"


"Are you taking your meds"

"On and off"

"I miss you, and u never called"

"Miss you too, and umm yea I broke my phone"


"Threw it at someone"


"Erm, they was annoying"Ian said chuckling to himself

"That ain't the real reason"

"Can't remember why I did it"

"You coming back home"

"Not my home mickey"

"You can't live here man"

"Why not"

"Bc it's getting cold out and u don't wanna freeze out here"

"Hasn't stopped me before"

"Then come live with me man"


"Because I care about you"

"You went to prison

"But I'm back"

"Yea I guess so"

"Just come live with me Ian"


After a while of sitting there Ian and mickey got up and left to mickeys when they had got back to the milkovich house Ian and mickey cuddled up to eachother and fell asleep

"Ur my home mickey"Ian whispered before he went under the blanket hoping mickey didn't hear but mickey did hear as a smile crept on his face

"And my home too"as mickey frosted back of to sleep with his lover behind him gaurding his body

Ian wasn't home unless he was with mickey

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