It wont hurt

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Debbie and Ian were like to peas in a pod they are the middle chrilden out of all gallaghers and they knew eachother like the back of there hands like when Ian and mickey got married she made it happen when Ian wanted to asking mickey to marry him Debbie made ian go out there and get his man even if it went to shit they would  still be happy

When franny was born they seperated a little handling a new born child doesn't give u a luxury of free time and ian with mickey 24/7 ian and Debbie didn't have much time with eachother to hang out

Debbie, had a slight depression stage after Sandy left she didn't know if she would fall in love and franny growing up her family moving out everything was falling apart

In highschool alot do stuff happend for Debbie, she well raped a guy she got pregnant and let's not forget the girls that used Debbie and pusher aside when they was done

Ian didn't know any of that because he wasn't around as much he was dealing with his problems

Debbie has tried to open up to ian as she though she was gay but he shot her right down no hesitation

Living on her own she could barely afford meals so the deal was to let franny eat but she wouldn't as she would say her daughter comes first

Ian and Debbie there the mischievous pare I mean look at them there always up to something but there bond  had faded away but when Ian asked if Debbie could help them to have a baby she was over the moon and of course she said yes and she can try to hang out with Ian more

Mickey and debbie

Debs: can u watch franny?

Mick: why?

Debs: bc she's the only gallagher u like

Mick: not true I like Ian too

Debs; will you

Mick: sure why

Debs: can I steal ur husband?

Mick: no

Debs: pleaseeeeee

Mickey: why

Debs: just catching up brother and sister bonding time

Mickey; u couldn't of asked him this urslef

Debs: fair point

Mickey; okay

Around 11:00am debbie took franny over to Ian's to hang with mickey so debbie and Ian can hang out together even if it was to go get food and go back

At pasty's

"So what's up"

"Nothing just wanted to catch up"

"Ah, what's been going on with you Debs"

"Nothing really it's so quiet jsut me and franny it honeslty feels likes someone's dead because there's no sound"

"Aha I know what u mean"

"Deb, u look really skinny are u eating"

"Nah, barley have enough money for me and franny"

"U gotta eat so this lunch is on me"

"It's fine Ian"

"No Debs, u gotta eat"

"Ur such a pain you know"

"Part of being your brother"

"Yea, so how's you and Mickey doing"

"Good, we was looking to have a kid and wanted you to carry it for us with mickeys sperm of course"


"Yea Debs I don't want to do it w mandy because there's the if chance if I give the kid my fucked up gallagher genes"

"So you wanna give it the teen mum genes instead"

"Yep" Ian said with a chuckle

"Ye, of course I would love to do this for u and mick"

"Thankyou Debs"

"It's okay Ian"

"U told Fiona and everyone yet"

"Nope just you we wanna go past 2nd trimester before saying anything"

"Good idea"

"It's nice catching up with u Debs we have all been so busy it's not normal for us"

"Ye, it's weird alone to be honest"

After lunch they both walked back to Ian and mickeys house

When they walked through the door franny ran up to them and hugged them

"Was u a good girl for uncle Mickey"

"Yea he let me hold his gun"

"FRANNY, that's our secret"

"Sorry uncle Mickey"

"Don't worry it was on safety and I took all the bullets out"

After a while Debbie and franny left the happy couple just giggling about there days

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