Chapter 1

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After arriving on Friday, things carried out as normal. Little first years' eyes glimmered with excitement as they were sorted into their houses. The welcome back feast was mouth watering and bountiful. Students got settled in their dorms and were either using the weekend to study up in hopes of regaining lost summer knowledge, or to party. I opted for the latter.

" AYE BITCH HURRY UP!" Mae's scream resonated around my dorm from its owner all the way downstairs in the Gryffindor common room.

" AYE BITCH BE PATIENT." I yelled back in retaliation. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, sporting a red two piece, a top with a matching skirt, and some black cowboy boots. I also decided to tie my locks up into a ponytail.

Grabbing my favorite black crossbody bag, I threw my things in it, and hurried off downstairs to meet my impatient companions.

" Oooh you look hot Isla. But you take way to long to get ready for parties, let's get a move on while the night is still young!" Killian spoke to me as I winded down the last bit of stairs. I smacked him on the back of the head before thanking him for the compliment. Then proceeded to snatch his and Mae's hands, and drag them out the door, ignoring the fat ladies judgmental glare.

Friends in tow I ascended Ravenclaw tower, and upon reaching the door was asked a riddle.

"Name three consecutive days without naming any of the seven days of the week." The bronze, eagle shaped knocker speaks from its place mounted to the door.

" Yesterday, today, and tomorrow." I responded after thinking for a few seconds. It granted us passage as I pulled the handle.

Instantly we were engulfed in the pungent smell of multiple types of alcohol. A muggle song, Dangerous by Big Data was blasting as students swayed around, the crowd being all over the scale of tipsy to completely plastered.

Upon first glance, most younger students would never imagine the party scene Ravenclaw amassed over the years. Word got out that they knew how to have a good time. Aka had all the drinks. While they were definitely hard working, studious, and book worms, the lot of them let go come the weekends.

There was also a surprising amount of caffeine addicts. Think sipping their 3rd Redbull energy on the common room floor while work is sprawled everywhere. Yeah. The young witches and wizards have no idea. 4th year, once most houses let you into parties, is the craziest culture shock.

" Firewhisky?" Came a familiar voice to my left. I turned to see Kenji Suzuki to my shock. Raidon's little brother, he was just starting his 3rd year. I shook my head in disappointment as he stood casually, surveying the crowd, red cup extend towards me.

" Ji, you're too young to be exposed to this, Raidon would have a fit. You haven't drunken anything have you?" I asked him as I glanced down to meet his dark eyes. He shook his head to my relief.

" No of course not, in a sporadic decision after studying for the whole day, I decided I'd come downstairs and just see if I could find any familiar faces. I probably should've stayed upstairs." He said with a grimace as he looked back to the wasted party goers, sloppily moving about. I chuckled, though nodded in agreement.

" No blame here. Ravenclaw parties get a little sloppy, as you've observed. Fun, but sloppy." We laughed at the scene.

" Though to survive the night, I may be needing that firewhisky." I smirked as he rolled his eyes with a smile and handed me the cup. He bid me goodnight before heading upstairs to his dorm. I began making my way around the room, stopping to chat with friends on the way.

I wasn't surprised when I found Mae in the middle of the dance floor, being twirled around by Killian. Wild children they were. Smiling I joined them as we danced to Outside by Calvin Harris and Ellie Golding.

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