Chapter 8

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We eventually made our way to  the grand hall, taking a door that was just down the hallway.  We descended the black spiral staircase and walked to the portrait of a bowl of fruit, which was just next to the barrels that concealed the Hufflepuff dorms.

Making my way in front of Tom with a little skip, I tickled the Pear in the painting, as it giggled the door opened. The many magical doors were my absolute favorite thing about hogwarts. I got the same joy opening them now that I did as a young first year.

The basement of the Grand hall, was nearly as grand as it was. The ceiling towered, a massive fireplace took up almost a whole wall, dozens of pots and pans littered the walls and tables. A few house elves gathered to greet us.

" We'll be needing supper." Tom deadpanned as I went to smack his arm for his lack of manners. He rubbed it sending me a glare I returned. I crouched down to better meet the house elves heights.

" I'm so sorry about him ma'am. He lacks class
most of the time." I consulted the house elf Tom was just commanding. I could feel his eyes drilling into the back of my skull after my jab.

" We unfortunately missed supper and I was hoping we may be able to get something to eat?" I asked with a kind smile. The house elf's eyes light up as she grinned back.

" Oh, Hazel likes you very much more. Hazel has never been called ma'am before. Get her some Scotch Collops." She ordered to the house elves behind her. She glanced over my shoulder at the ever brooding Tom.

" The moping one too." She added as the house elves scurried off to get us some dinner. I couldn't help but laugh as I smiled and thanked Hazel. Turning back to Tom after Hazel left I moved past him to a table.

"I do not 'mope'." He argued following after me. I just laughed at him as we sat down and before I knew it Hazel had placed two delicious plates of 'Scotch Collops', filled with pan-seared steak and onions with mushrooms in front of us.

I thanked her again and snuck a sharp glare to Tom. As if the words were hard to say for him, he hesitated but thanked her as well, to which she smiled. Hazel turned her gaze to me and gave me one last smile as I returned a thankful one back. With a snap of her fingers she apparated away.

We ate in near silence. Honestly I felt as if most of the time there was so much we could say, so we opted to not say anything at all. The Scotch Collops were delicious though, the house elves truly deserved more credit.

" This was a good idea, I hadn't eaten anything since noon. And Hazel is right. You do mope." I spoke up after finishing my plate and walking over to a sink as I began to wash it off.

" Again, I do not mope." He repeated his earlier words as he walked over to my side with his plate. I reached a hand out and grabbed his plate as I began to wash it off. His eyes lingered on my side profile in what I think was appreciation and surprise.

I laughed lightly before speaking.

" Tom the definition of someone who mopes around is melancholic and in constantly low spirits. You're practically lifeless Tom. It scares me." I finished with a sigh as I decided to reveal my true thoughts.

I dried our plates off with a clean towel I found nearby. Tom stood still, as I moved to put the plates on a shelf with the rest of them, his eyes trailed me. After assuring everything was back to where it was originally I headed for the door.

Opening it I paused to glance at Tom from behind the wood.

" Night Tom."

And with that I left him standing by the sink in the Hogwarts kitchens.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now