Chapter 10

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The light streamed through the dorm windows, waking me from my slumber. A headache was the first thing I noticed, though it was moderate. Shout out to my high alcohol tolerance for that one. Looking down at myself I realized I was completely naked under the sheets.

The memories flowed in from last night with Kurtis, and to be honest I wasn't as freaked out as I could've been, which I took as a sign I hadn't fucked up too bad.

For a first experience, it was pretty great, he was a patient and more gentle partner to have, which I intended to thank him for. Looking to my left where he fell asleep, I didn't see him. As if on cue he walked through the bathroom door with some classic black trousers and no shirt, a towel hanging around his neck as he dried his hair.

I held the covers up to my chest as I sat up and smiled at him which he returned. He handed me my clothes from where they sat folded on a chair, he must've done that this morning which was sweet.

" Thanks. And I appreciate that you were patient and gentle last night, seriously, it means a lot." I spoke to him with gratitude.

" Of course, also I hope your feeling alright this morning after yesterday. And I just wanted to check again, do you regret anything? I hope I didn't make a mess of things for you." He spoke softly as he sat on the bed next to me.

" I don't. You made it a good experience. And thank you, I just have a slight headache." I smiled.

" Do you feel like I pressured you into anything though? I appreciate your concern for me, but it goes both ways." I added with slight worry as I searched his face. Although I didn't know if this would amount to a relationship, I still wanted to check in and see how he felt.

" No don't worry, it was a positive experience for me too, thanks for asking." He said with a smile as he stood back up. I sighed relieved and returned a smile before making my way to the bathroom to have a quick shower and change, trying not to trip over Leo as I did so.

Once I freshened up, I came out to see Kurtis waiting for me, and we proceeded to make our way downstairs. To my surprise there was still every bit of mess left from last night but contrastingly not a single person in sight.

Usually after the infamous Gryffindor house party, the next morning you would find passed out bodies lying everywhere. The couches, floor, tables, against walls and bookshelves. Mae and I even found Olive Hornby in my dorms bathtub once at the end of last year.

Needless to say this wasn't normal. At all.

Kurtis and I appeared to be on the same wavelength and we shot each other worrying glances before dashing our way around the broken bottles and plastic cups and rushed through the portrait door, which the fat lady was still missing from.

Oh, something was definitely wrong.

Whipping around corners and stumbling down the stairs we eventually came across the misfortune that plagued the morning. Students gathered outside one of the girls lavatories, confused I stepped back up a few steps trying to get a look.

My body stopped, eyes widening as a stretcher being carried by what looked like four men from the Ministry walked towards where we stood on the stairs. As the stretcher got closer I gasped, a hand flying to my mouth.

There was a student on that stretcher, under the shroud they were covered in. A limp hand hung off the side. I felt Kurtis put a hand on my shoulder as he too watched in horror.

" Oh my - I - what in Godrics name happened last night?" I stuttered, eyes glued to the body as it ascended up the stairs with the officials.

" I'm afraid a tragedy occurred this morning. Olive Hornby found Ms. Myrtle Warren dead in the lavatory." Spoke Professor Dumbledore as he approached us. I was shocked as a suddenly realization took hold of me.

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