Chapter 13

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" Isla! Do you want some iced pumpkin juice?" Kurtis broke me out of my daze. I glance up at him as he stood from his seat.

" That be great, thank you." I replied with a light smile. I watched as he walked away. I needed to snap myself out of whatever this mood was. Kurtis just got back, and after all he went through with Myrtle dying, I should be enjoying the night with him.

" What unfortunate timing to start a relationship, especially with her cousin." My head snapped to my right where I found Tom sitting down. I scoffed lightly as I crossed my arms. I glanced back over to take a moment to study him.

He wore a black button up shirt, the top three buttons undone just enough you could catch a glimpse of his defined collarbones. He had black dress robes, some dark grey trousers, and a black mask.

" If you're done checking me out I believe there's a few things we need to discuss." Tom smirked as my eyes shot back to his face and I gave him a little smack on his knee.

" I don't think this is the time or place for that Tom. Also I am not dating Kurtis. We just had sex." I clarified, at which Tom's eyebrows shot up and met my gaze. I rolled my eyes at him.

" Oh but then, you had to go and kill his cousin the next morning! So now we're both depressed, me more so because I'm run by anxiety these days, leading a double life, constantly having to deal with your cult, and most importantly you." I ranted as I shoved my finger into exposed chest.

Although he didn't react how I anticipated to the touch, which would've been swatting my hand away, sending me the death stare, and possibly storming off. Not at all. He actually leaned in closer. My hand flattened against his chest in surprise, as if I was planning to push him away but didn't.

I darted my eyes up to see his locked on someone behind me, a smirk adorning his lips. I turned my head to see Kurtis standing there. My eyes widened. Imagine how this looked to him. Tom and I were sitting close, my hand was literally on his chest. Godric.

Suddenly I heard Tom whisper the 'melofors' jinx, and within an instant a carved jack-o-lantern was encasing Kurtis's head. I couldn't stop myself before bursting into laughter, shortly slapping a hand over my mouth. I looked back to see Tom slip his wand back into his robes.

" That- was not- funny." I scolded Tom, shoving him lightly with each pause, though he didn't move more than an inch. I was shocked when I saw Tom crack a smile, a mischievous one, but a smile.

" It absolutely was. Now he matches the decor." His smile faded into a smirk with his reply, referencing the enchanted ceiling, where jack-o-lanterns and candles floated.

" Wait wait no, do it again." I prompted.

"What?" He asked dumbfounded as he looked down at me.

" Smile. That was the first time I've ever seen you actually smile, not just those smirks you do." I explained to which he looked surprised, but not just at me, more at himself. He blinked slowly as if recomposing himself.

" I don't think your boyfriend likes me very much." He swerved and switched to a new topic. I gave him a slight glare.

" Again, not my boyfriend-"

" I don't think your casual hookup likes me very much." Tom reworded cutting me off. I rolled my eyes and gave him a shove.

Both our gazes shot down to my hand, up to each other, and then back down again. I yanked my hand away. I can not believe neither of use noticed. We just forgot about the contact. It was scarily natural, so natural it went undetected.

And with that, Tom shot me one more unreadable glance as he stood, then disappeared back into the crowd. I sat there for a moment before deciding to step out of the Grand Hall for some fresh air.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now