Chapter 18

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Today was Christmas. It had been 3 days since I had last seen Tom that night in the common room. While it wasn't terribly unusual for him to go off the grid, I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to.

And seeing as we were legitimately the only two students who remained in the castle, it was strange I hadn't seen him. He was either in a coma or avoiding me, for who knows what reason. Though he barely ever did things without reason.

After grabbing some lunch in the Great Hall I walked out, stopping just outside the doors in contemplation.

" To hell with it." And with that I set off to find Tom. The first place I thought of was the Chamber of Secrets, but wanting to avoid that if possible, I checked the Slytherin Dorms, knocking on the door.

Not here.

Sighing I made my way to Myrtles bathroom on the third floor.

" Hello Myrtle, do you know if anyone's been through here recently?" I asked the ghost girl as she flew out of her cubicle.

" There was that boy, the handsome one you inquired about before, he went down there a few days ago, but he hasn't come out. Perhaps he's died heheh..." she giggled in a creepy fashion as I shuddered at the thought.

With a rushed 'heshahasa' I slid down into the chamber and clambered down the corridors, through the snake door guarding the heart, and into the main Chamber. After climbing down the ladder I turned to scan the vicinity.

Squinting I found a body lying on the ground. Tom's body. Bloody hell. What in Godrics name has he done? I raced down the walkway to where he lay at the foot of Salazars statue. The first thing I did as I kneeled down was check for a pulse, utterly relieved when I found one.

I would've chuckled if the situation wasn't so serious. I was correct, he was in a coma. But what on earth from? Casting my gaze around, looking for clues, I spotted a book. Seizing it in my hands and flipping to its back cover. I realized this wasn't just any book. It must've been Tom Riddles diary.

As I studied it, I began to feel a shift in the air, and in myself. I felt darker, more sinister, but powerful. Scared I threw the diary out of my grasp as it landed on the stone floors with a thud. Taking a deep breath, I gazed back down at Tom.

What a cruel play by the universe. To have someone so beautiful on the outside be dreadfully ugly within.

Searching his robe pockets for anymore clues I found a folded piece of parchment. The only thing it held was an incantation. ' Abscindere tenebris meam'. Using every ounce of knowledge I had on Latin I managed to decipher its meaning. Cut off dark soul. I stopped, petrified.

I learned enough about the dark arts from my family to know that this was the darkest form of Magic that exists. So dark, only one published work held information on how to do it.

Tom Riddle had created a horcrux.

He must've used Myrtles murder and gotten ahold of the instructions for the spell to pull it off. He split his own soul and transferred it into that diary. My eyes frightfully moved over to where said object sat on the floor. I gulped.

Before long my eyes found their way back to the misguided boy. He lay eerily still, the only movements being the slow raise and fall of his chest. Placing my hand over his heart, the steady beat calmed me. At least he wasn't in critical condition.

Not about to leave, I laid down next to him on the frigid stone. Attempting to ignore the low temperature I turned all my focus to him.

Taking advantage of the situation, I let my fingers slowly run into his curls. He'd never let me touch his hair if he was awake. Stifling a laugh, I continued to play with his dark hair, soft curls winding around my fingers.

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