Chapter 34

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The Carrow Mansion (Castle really), could be compared to the Malfoy Mansion, which I have been to a grand total of one time whilst attending a pureblood ball. They're large and cold and dark and in the middle of nowhere surrounded by tall trees. In my opinion the perfect place to commit murder and stash the body.

I looked over at Tom, who was already striding down the path to the main door. I huffed before moving in between Mae and Killian, looping my arms through theirs in an attempt to comfort myself. Mae offered a squeeze before we made our way up the brick steps and past those ugly gargoyles clutching the family crest.

I took a breathe before sliding my arms out of theirs, knowing I'd be expected to introduce everybody. I fell in step with Tom just before the large doors were swung open, revealing multiple members of the family. They filed out but my eyes widened as my mother and father were revealed at the back.

" Mom? Dad?" I more questioned then stated. My mother sent me a look that told me to carry on and that we'd discuss it later. My gaze lingered on her before I proceeded.

" Tom and company, these are the Carrows. My grandparents, Darragh and Nessa Carrow, my mother, Rene Hildegard and my father Jacob Hildegard, her brothers, Rhyland and Roman Carrow, accompanied by their wives, Khadija and Ruby. Then we have my cousins, Augustus, Amycus, and Alecto. " I finished before turning to the other group.

" Uh... relatives, this is Tom Riddle, Abraxas Malfoy, Reinhardt Lestrange, Hergualdus Avery, Lennox Selwyn, and Alexander Rosier. Then we have those who I've mentioned to you before, Matilda Yaxley, Raidon Suzuki, Killian Thompson, and Sean Trelawney."

A slither and hiss could be heard as Nagini wound her way around the legs of the group and to the front so the Carrows could see her. I held in a chuckle as my Aunt Ruby squeaked and pulled Amycus and Alecto back.

" Oh, the python is... was, Nagini Ningrum, a maledictus." I ran my eyes over the group to make sure I didn't miss anyone before nodding and turning to the Carrows expectedly. A moment passed before my grandmother cleared her through and spoke.

" Quite the company you surround yourself with, granddaughter. I sincerely hope they are worthy of our company this evening." Her steely eyes glazed over the lot as Tom stepped up to her, taking her hand in his.

" I assure you Mrs. Carrow, we will be." He spoke confidently before kissing her hand. I rolled my eyes as his charming facade came out once again, but I knew it'd work. Despite the near wash of Slytherin's amongst the Carrows, I knew my Grandmother valued Confidence and the Courage to get out there and get things done. With an approving nod, she spoke again.

" Come in, we have much to discuss." She said to the group as everyone filtered into the Mansion. I managed to slip my way between bodies and over to my parents where I turned my head in and whispered.

" I wasn't aware you would be here. And I was hoping you might not be." I spoke quickly in a hushed tone.

" We were included in the invite, since we are apart of this family Isla." My father replied. I scoffed.

" Really? Well it's never seemed like it." I replied, earning a light smack on my hand from my mother.

" Whatever that boy has planned will likely win over your grandparents, and therefore the rest of the family. The nobility of his associates families and the maledictus were enough on their own." My mother reasoned. She was right, and how aggravating it was knowing that was Tom's intention. He surrounded himself with prestigious purebloods and was starting a collection of pets.

" He's powerful, mother, father. I don't want you to be caught up in this." I warned as we approached the dining hall doors.

" At your age, any confident young man with his stature is." My father replied to which I sent him a glare. They could never understand just what I meant when I said Tom Riddle was powerful. Perhaps dangerous would've been a better choice of word.

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