Chapter 14

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Twirling my fork aimlessly in my pasta I sat at the Gryffindor table. An entire month had passed since the Masquerade Ball on Halloween, and shockingly everything was normal. No dangerous nights out with the death eaters, no more students being hurt or killed (thank Godric), not even any good gossip amongst the students.

All we did was study and attend class, day in and day out. I hated to admit this, but I was almost bored.

" Mails here!" Diana called out from the Ravenclaw table, drawing everyone's attention to the ceiling where owls flocked in, dropping packages and papers left and right.

I watched as a beautiful Black-banded owl headed in my direction. My eyebrows furrowed as it dropped a letter in front of me, since I recognized the bird as Raidons owl Tsuya. Raidon sat just diagonal from me.

I tried to catch his eye but he was unusually focused on getting the perfect amount of pasta wrapped around his fork. I narrowed my eyes but turned back to the letter.

' Astronomy tower, 11 sharp tonight. Don't get caught.' I read in my head. His short and suspicious note was something I'd expect from Tom, but this was out of character for Raidon.

Looking back up to him, hoping to get more information, he swiftly stood up, and walked out of the great hall. Looks like I'd have to wait a while longer.


Finally it was almost 11. My curiosity had been building and driving me mad all night. Quietly getting out of bed, I slid my robe over my pajamas, grabbed my wand, and snuck downstairs, before very carefully swinging the portrait door open as to not wake the Fat Lady.

After a terribly long climb of the spiral stairs, I made it up to the astronomy tower. Being the highest tower in all of Hogwarts, the views were spectacular. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark, I made out Raidons figure looking out one of the windows.

" Raidon, what's going on? Is everything ok?" I asked softly as I made my way next to him while we shared the view.

" I should be asking you the same thing Isla. You've become distant lately. It seems as if your always anxious and alert, what's going on up here?" Raidon spoke as he'd turned to face me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and gesturing to my head.

I stared up at his moonlit face, finding myself at a loss for words. There was no one I trusted more than Raidon, truly. But due to the strength of the bond we shared, it meant I was most afraid of getting him caught up in Toms mess.

His dark eyes drilled into mine, not making me uncomfortable, but rather comforted. He cared, he really did past his shallow, cold facade. So as much as it killed me to do so, I returned his care for the price of giving up the truth.

" I'm just dreading the holidays coming up, seeing as it'll be another miserable time spent with my family, and after all that's happened with Kurtis and Myrtle, I've been down in spirits." I replied quietly, glancing down at the ground from guilt of lying.

Raidon seemed to misinterpret this as simple sadness and gently put a hand under my chin, lifting it back up as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. I feigned a little smile and leaned towards him. His arms wrapped around my back as my curled up hands rested against his chest.

" I know you don't like to be very vulnerable, and your ego fuels that, but you're so strong, and it's ok to not be ok sometimes. You'll get through it." He assured, rubbing my back.

" That being said, I think you should stop fraternizing with Tom, Isla. He's not good for you, and I worry constantly. I don't think he holds good intentions." I pulled away as my eyes snapped to meet his.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now