Chapter 15

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"AHHHH!" I screamed as I slid down into the Chamber of Secrets. With a 'oomph' I collided with the ground. Standing gingerly to put less strain on myself, I brushed my backside off and took a few deep breaths before looking around.

" Ah!" I yelped upon seeing, and hearing, the hundreds of crunchy bones under my feet. Certainly wasn't what I was hoping for. Cringing I stepped off of them, towards a passage. Continuing down the chilly corridors I let my curiosity override my panic.

I ended up face to face with a large bronze door, featuring 7 snakes. Not knowing what else to do I repeated the phrase I used to get the sinks to open up, and to shear luck, it worked. I watched as a 8th snake slithered around the edge of the door, and it opened. I continued down the corridors.

After a few minutes the narrow corridor opened up into an astonishingly grand chamber. This must've been the heart of it. A walkway was lined with massive snake heads, stone tongues sticking out, fangs showing.

At the end of the chamber was a huge statue of Salazar Slytherin, his hair flowing out around him, taking up nearly the whole wall. Shuddering I cautiously made my way deeper into the chamber.

Tom had mentioned a basilisk, but it was no where in sight. Confused I walked around the statue of Salazar, studying it. I turned away, intending to check out the rest of the chamber, before hearing the sound of a door opening.

Standing there frozen, the rumble was followed by a threatening 'hisss' and I knew it was the basilisk. I turned my head, about to get a glance at it before a hand grabbed my jaw, forcing it back, and I was yanked back by my waist.

" Damn it Isla, how in Merlin's name did you even get down here?" Tom spoke in an angry rushed whisper. I looked up at him with a slight, proud smirk.

" Myrtle told me a certain tall, dark haired boy spoke some made up language that sounded like either 'hash browns' or 'heshahasa', so I went with the latter and cheated my way down here. Happy? Now can you do something about your pet or not? I'd rather not be killed!" I whisper shouted back.

He rolled his eyes before removing the hand that held my chin and bringing it down to fish something out of his robe pocket.

" Give me your hand." Startled my eyes darted to his.

" What?" He didn't respond, and with an impatient eye roll, he removed the hand that was holding my waist and grabbed my left hand. I watched silently as he slipped a gorgeous gold snake ring on my ring finger.

" Don't take it off. It's enchanted to protect you from getting killed by the basilisks gaze. Since I can command it I don't need it." He explained to which I simply nodded, still surprised by the situation.

After lingering for a moment Tom slipped out and back into the Chamber to face the basilisk. I took a deep breath, putting my trust in Tom and this ring I stepped out from the shadows.

Slowly, I let my gaze drift up to the basilisk. It was massive, I didn't want to imagine how venomous it's bite could be. I hesitantly walked over until I was behind Tom. He glanced over his shoulder at me before returning back to the basilisk, speaking parseltongue.

I payed attention to his pronunciation, there's a chance I might need that in the future. Myrtle wouldn't always be there with her guesses, and even then, they were just that. A guess.

" Shoosia hephess asa." Tom commanded in Parseltongue. Although the basilisk seemed almost unsatisfied, it nodded and slithered back into the mouth of Salazar's statue, the door closing behind it.

" Now that my life isn't in immediate danger..." I trailed off as I came around Tom so I now stood in front of him. I stood on my tiptoes for extra leverage, and slapped him straight across the face. I watched as his face contorted from confusion to anger.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now