Chapter 3

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This time I really did storm through the doors and slam it in his face. The nerve of that man. Trying to recruit me to some sketchy Slytherin club that would " be comprised of the most powerful wizards and witches around."

What was he expecting? For me to be utterly flattered and fall into his cold hearted grasp? As if.

I immediately went to talk with Raidon, for I valued his opinion greatly. He also had a nose for sniffing out anything dangerous. I'm not taking any chances with Tom Riddle.

" Raidon, are you in here?" I called out as I entered the fifth year boys dorms after a quick knock. The silence I heard matched to the emptiness of the room. Where could he have been?

Mind racing around for answers, I was oblivious to the fact that it was dinner and everyone was in the Great Hall eating. My feet were carrying me away back to the room of requirement before I even settled on that option. I'm sure he's still there.

I looked around to check for anyone before trying out the door for my own. I've read if you pace back and forth and picture what room you want to see in your head it'll reveal itself. I thought back to the grand room, black green and gold accents everywhere, mahogany wood...

A low rumble pulled me to a halt, the large oak door making me feel temporary giddy, like a kid who was given a sweet. Throwing back on a face of determination and slight anger I grabbed the handle, took a deep breathe, and swung the door open with vigor.

I was surprised when I was met with six pairs of eyes. Tom Riddle, Abraxas Malfoy, Reinhardt Lestrange, Hergualdus Avery, Lennox Selwyn, and Alexander Rosier all sat at that mahogany table, heads turned towards me, appearing both defensive and shocked.

" Alright what the fuck is going on. I can't decide if this is family dinner at grandmas or a cult meeting." I started with my eyebrows knitted as my gaze narrowed. A moment of silence ensued as if they were unsure who should speak first.

" Lean for the latter darling." Reinhardt Lestrange spoke up first as his lips quirked up. Despite the situation mine did too. I turned my attention to the head of the table.

" Tom. Are you going to sit there like some princess or are you going to explain what the bloody hell you've just dragged me into? Come on now, I don't have all day." I asked sharply while also mimicking his words earlier. It was time to get to the bottom of this.

I watched his jaw clench as his companions looked gobsmacked. As if they'd never seen magic in their entire lives of being wizards. Strange lot aren't they.

" You will learn to listen more and talk less. Sit." He spat angrily. I rolled my eyes and walked further into the room, before perching myself up on the table. At this point I think I wanted to get burned, playing around the fire.

" On a chair Isla." He added. Against his request I swung my legs up onto the mahogany tabletop, crisscrossing them before resting my elbow on my knee and head on hand. I was absolutely drinking up the boys reactions. They genuinely had no clue what was happening, or if it was real.

" These are the death eaters, this meeting was.. supposed to be, discussions on recruiting more wizards and witches to our cause." Tom finally gave me some clarity.

" Hold on a second, so what, you're trying to drag me into your sketchy power obsessed cult filled with Slytherin men, because I have the displeasure of being related to the Carrows? Tommy I think you've gone mental." I ended matter of factly. I was starting to believe he had.

" Does she always talk this much? Can I throw her out yet?" Alexander spoke up from his seat. My head whipped toward him with a challenging look burning in my eyes.

" Bitch, I'd like to see you try." I retorted. He stood and we met each other halfway, having a standoff of sorts. I realized to my utter delight his downfall tonight was his height.

" Boy you're on my level. We're the same height if it isn't apparent." I smirked wickedly.

" We might both be 5'9 but what are you, 110 pounds? I bench double your weight." He replied attempting intimidation, though I held his stare. I took his focus as opportunity to multitask and speed things up a little.

Seconds later he was on the ground, suffering a full body bind curse I wandlessly casted. After a moment of silence I leaned a hand against the mahogany table and spoke up.

" Welcome to Christmas dinner with the Carrows. Lesson one. Bite first." Gesturing my hand around in the air for effect. A laugh began to resonate through the room, as I turned to its owner.

Hergualdus was practically doubled over, laughing at Alexander who's struggling on the ground. Lennox and Reinhardt break and end up joining him. I even hear Abraxas stifle a chuckle. Abraxas then clears his throat and proceeded to remove the spell off Alexander so he could freely move about.

" Abraxas your ruining my fun." I attempted to pout but it just slid up into a smirk. He returned one before replying with:

" As entertaining as that was now isn't the time or place for duels."

Ah so he does have some sense of humor. Good to see.

" I think that's enough for the night, gentleman, thank you for coming, be here next week. Isla, I'm not done with you yet." Tom spoke up, his authoritative voice capturing everyone's attention .

To my slight surprise a few snickers sounded from the boys. As they walked out I cast a nonverbal levicorpus, or dangling jinx, that picked the lot up by their ankles, before dropping them on their heads.

They slowly stood up mumbling before sauntering off.
I didn't miss the slight smirk present on Toms lips before his face held no emotion as per usual. He sat down on one of the lavish emerald couches at the back as I took my que to join him.

" You're not planning to kill anyone are you?" A bold question from myself but I figure I had to ask at some point. Everything about him and his gang is suspicious as all Merlin.. dangerous even. His eyes widened which I took as a sign of surprise, like he was caught off guard.

" And why would you ever assume that?" He responded with confidence. Caught at a cross roads, my mind wasn't completely swiped of suspicion, but judging by his reaction I'm probably just overreacting and looking for something that isn't there. I back tracked a little bit.

" That was a rather dramatic accusation, but you can't deny this selective Slytherin cult you've formed in the Room of Requirement isn't suspicious Tom. I'd be a fool to think otherwise." I told him as I watched his movements.

" Fair enough." He responded dryly before walking out the doors leaving me confused. Not a minute later he walked back in, and to my astonishment the entire room we were just in had changed. It was now a massive library, littered with old spellbooks, memoirs, and novels.

Looking closer to where I was I realized he left the couch I was sitting on untouched. That was actually considerate of him. My gaze found it's way back to said boy who was currently on a ladder, grabbing several books from the massive shelves.

" What are you doing?" I asked.

" Research." Another dry response as he glided off around the corner of the shelf to who knows where in this new room. Since he didn't kick me out I decided to snoop around a bit.

After going through dozens of book titles I settled on the familiar Tale of the Three Brothers and begun to read, situating myself on the couch so I was more comfortable. As if trapped in an alternate dimension, time dripped away and I completely forgot the fact it was a Monday night.

I ended up sitting on the floor with my legs crisscrossed, book in my hands. Sometimes the floor just hits different. At some point I must've drifted to sleep.

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