Chapter 20

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" Now remember, you're not supposed to let anybody in, unless they are a Gryffindor and give you the correct password. Got it?" I rested against the stair guard rail just outside of the Gryffindor Common room. I was making good of my promise to talk with the Fat Lady about not letting any unauthorized people into the dorm.

She nodded, satisfied I made my way back inside. Not a minute later I heard the portrait door opening, followed by a yearning sigh. Rushing to the entrance I saw Tom Riddle, though I couldn't expect anyone else, seeing as there was no one here.

Turning to the fat lady I placed my hands on my hips in displeasure.

" We just talked about this!" I tutted the portrait before she quickly jumped to her defense.

"I'm sorry, but just look at him my dear!" Her gaze glued on Tom as she let out another sigh. I rubbed my eyes.

" Trust me I understand, but you don't know the half of it." I replied making an honest jab at Tom's body vs. his soul.

" What do you wa-" I began but stopped upon seeing Tom was no longer to my right. I peaked my head around the door before seeing his robes billow behind him as he walked inside.

Make yourself at home, I thought, mocking his comment from earlier that school year. I made my way inside to see him still standing, seemingly waiting for me to approach. I tensed.

" Just get it over with." I spoke throwing my hand over my eyes as I awaited a hex to be thrown my way.

" Isla-"

" Please avoid the face..." I added.

" Isla-"

" And the hair." I concluded squeezing my eyes further shut.

" Isla!" He raised his voice, yanking my hand down from my face. I waited a moment before cautiously opening my eyes, utterly surprised I hadn't been hexed after kissing him out of no where last night.

" Quit acting as if you're showing restraint. I know you want to. It'd almost make me feel better." I argued, not wanting to play his games.

" You know what I really want? Release me from this curse I'm in!!" Tom shouted, my thoughts clouding before he continued.

" I was conceived under a love potion, I'm not even supposed to feel anything. I figured creating a horcrux doubled as a full proof way to protect myself from ordinary emotions that make people weak, but it's still not enough!"

I watched stunned as Tom's rage bubbled over, and he threw a vase against the wall. I jumped back as the vase shattered loudly upon impact with the stone, eyes widening.

" I- I still don't understand-" I proceeded with caution, as if walking on egg shells.

" You, Isla! Since day one it's always been you! But I won't... I can't afford the risk of..." he trailed off, stopping himself from speaking any further as I stood, completely frozen to my surroundings.

" What?" I asked at a loss for anything else to say.

" I'm not going to repeat myself." He declared turning away from me as he began to pace back and forth.

Unsure of what to do I caught sight of the broken remains of the vase Tom had thrown. I walked over slowly and crouched down, picking up a piece to inspect the design.

" Ah- for merlins sake." I complained upon feeing a sharp cut, looking down I realized I wasn't handling the piece carefully enough. For a long cut now ran across my left palm, unfortunate as I was left handed, so I couldn't t grab my wand and heal my hand.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now