Chapter 31

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The walk wasn't too long, though it was comforting being back on the Dublin streets after a year away at Hogwarts. Once I'd reached the park, I made my way to the little lake that lay along its northern edge. Sitting along the bank, I laid down and let myself relax as the suns rays hit my face.

My attempts to find solitude didn't last long, as my racing thoughts refused to cease. To be fair, It appeared I was evading the police with a group of teenagers, one of whom, that I have a complicated relationship with, being the main culprit. I could only guess where Tom's scheme would lead us, and to be honest, I didn't want to think about it.

As I entertained a flood of thoughts in my head, time slipped away, and before I knew it the sun was beginning to set. I picked myself up from the grass and began the walk back to the hotel, dragging my feet as I was not eager to arrive.

Before I could exit St Stephens Green, a rustle in the trees caused me to jump. I focused in on the spot I thought the noise had come from. I cautiously walked toward it, heart rate rising as I did so.

" Isla!" I jumped and turned around, spooked by the sudden voice that came from behind me.

" Rein! What the fuck!" I exclaimed upon seeing his face attempting to hold in a laugh. The entire group walked toward us as I swatted Rein's shoulder.

" Tom said you'd been gone for hours, so we came to find you." Nagini spoke with a soft tone, I smiled in appreciation, though remained slightly annoyed.

" Well next time I want to be alone with my thoughts, I'll have to go to a spot you tourists wouldn't think of as easily." I jabbed with a slight smirk.

" What were you doing investigating a tree then?" Xander started as I rolled my eyes, stepping over to him.

" I was not investigating a tree Xander. I was trying to figure out what was in it. I heard rustling coming from up there." I explained as I pointed to the spot, eyes following.

" I'm pretty sure it's just a tree." He continued with a smirk I would've liked to slap off. Before I could fire something back, the winds picked up out of no where, sun having slipped below the horizon.

We stood in a circle, watching the shadows take over the park. Suddenly the temperature of the air dropped. I glanced at the others to see if they noticed it to, and based on their alarmed and confused expressions, they had.

Xander and Tom were the first to draw their wands as the rest of us followed, now on high alert. The winds howled louder as leaves and small branches flew through the air. I looked over at Tom who had taken the place to my left, and judging by his expression, he was at a loss like the rest of us, which was unsettling. That man was always 10 steps ahead.

A shrill scream broke out from behind us, and we whipped around. To our horror, Nagini was on the ground, and what could only be a dementor was sucking the happiness from her. We backed up into a tight huddle as we processed what we were seeing.

" Rein! Do that thing you can do!" Aldus exclaimed, concern and desperation slipping into his voice. My eyes furrowed as I looked over at Rein, having no clue what Aldus was talking about. I watched as Rein's eyes went wide before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes in a concentrated manner.

" Expecto Patronum!" He shouted as he cast the protective charm. I watched in surprise as a fully corporeal Falcon burst from his wand in a haze of blue and silver. The dementor screeched as the falcon dug it's claws into the creature. We watched as the dementor took one last drink from Nagini and swooshed up into the night sky.

Aldus and Lennox quickly went over to Nagini, picking her up and bringing her closer to the group as the rest of us moved to stand in front of them. A sudden blast of wind sent us all to the ground, the air going frigid. I looked up and to my dismay, 5 dementors floated around us, flying closer and closer.

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