Chapter 12

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Sunday slipped by, and so did the rest of the week since officials had permitted Hogwarts to remain open, and classes were back in session. You'd think all the teachers would lay off the end of week work load due to the ball.

But there's always that one teacher who doesn't give a fuck.

In my case it was my History of Magic Professor Cuthbert Binns, an ancient and shriveled old man. Students and teachers alike were surprised he was still alive and teaching.

He looked as if he hung onto life by a thread, but I suppose he was still able to give us a 2 parchment rolls long essay on the International Warlock Convention of 1289. Additionally, we had covered the topic in second year, so this felt like a waste.

After about three hours in the library doing what felt like a rewrite of my second year essay on the topic, I finished and packed my satchel. Finally free for the evening I still had yet to decide if I was going to go.

Kurtis had returned just after dinner, and I intended to go see him. The masquerade ball was set for 9 pm until midnight. This year, Halloween fell on a Friday, so the weekend would be free for students to stay up late and party with time to recuperate.

After throwing my satchel on my bed I headed out of Gryffindor tower and to Ravenclaws. The knocker was just about to ask me a riddle when the door opened to reveal Kurtis. After sharing a look with each other I went in for a hug to which he returned.

" How are you feeling now that you're back?" I asked quietly as he put an arm around my shoulder, and I rested one on his hip as we walked down the stairs.

" Alright. I'm happy they caught those responsible for her death, but I think I'll be avoiding the hallway where the girls lavatory is for a while." He replied with a sad smile.

" I can't believe they're holding a masquerade ball just 3 weeks after that... it feels wrong." I spoke my mind about the event. Kurtis looked over at me as if he was surprised.

" So you're not going to attend?" He asked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

" No? Were you planning to?" I questioned.

" I was actually hoping to ask you if you wanted to attend with me. Although I agree, things got rushed along a bit, which I'm sour about as her cousin. But I guarantee Myrtle would be moaning to me non stop if I missed this." He explained as I listened. I suppose if he was her cousin, he knew her well, and if she would've wanted us to go, we should go.

" Alright then, it's settled, though very last minute. I'll meet you at the Great Hall doors at 9:20" I replied with a smile which he returned. We said our goodbyes and I rushed back to my dorm, trying to figure out how I was going to pull this off. I didn't even have a dress!

Opening my wardrobe, I began to search through it in haste. There was absolutely nothing that was ball worthy. Maybe I should've just gotten something at Mademoiselle Marchbanks boutique.

A loud tapping sound at my window startled me. My head whipped to the left to see a beautiful Stygian owl, which was rare to see in Europe, as it was native to the neotropics.

I quickly opened the window seeing as the bird who could only be 1.5 lbs was carrying a package that was the same size as it. The owl set the package down and I rushed to give it a few treats I appreciation for its hard work. It hooted happily as I smiled before it took off again out the window.

The package was wrapped in grey paper, a black bow tying it closed so it was secure. I curiously unwrapped the ribbon and peeled back the paper. My eyes widened and my jaw hung slack.

Inside was an absolutely gorgeous dress. I pulled it out so I could study the entire piece. The dress was silk, colored a deep emerald. The top was beautifully ruffled in a way that made the fabric look like waves. A large slit ran from the hip to the floor.

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