Chapter 35

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I shot up with a gasp, holding my head, and upon looking up, I was met with a shock. I sat in the middle of Carrow Mansion, brought to absolute ruin. Chunks of red sandstone and brick littered the foundation. Pieces of furniture were thrown in every which direction, and not a single wall or tower was left standing, providing a full view of the Sitka Spruce filled forrest.

I slowly stood up, dusting myself off. My eyes went wide once I spotted a body that wasn't my mother or father. I scrambled over and got down on my knees to see who it was. Sean's features came into view as I brushed away a lock of his wavy brown hair. His face was scuffed and I immediately checked him over for any other injuries.

When I couldn't find any I let out a shaky breath, seeing as he was breathing normally. I sat back and brought my knees up to my chest as I dared to look around more. My heart dropped when I realized the bodies of my family and friends were sprawled out amongst the ruins I had created.

I had to accept that. I don't know exactly what happened but I knew it was because of me. I just knew.

Tears began to flood my eyes as I stared at the exposed foundation below me, and I began to run over a reality checklist in my head.

My parents were just killed by my grandfather and uncle. One of my childhood friends permanently changed into a python. I was an orphan now, I guess. I just brought my families entire mansion to rubble. My friends, family, the death eaters, possibly Nagini, and Tom were lying unconscious across the area.

At the last point my head shot up. I had no clue where Tom was. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he was already awake. Either way I began searching the ruins of the Carrow mansion, looking for the recognizable tall figure with dark hair.

After a minute I found him, where the mansions parlor used to be. I kneeled down gently, and was relieved when I saw his chest rise and fall. Though a sudden burst of rage made me want to kick his pretty face while he was down. He pulled me away from them. I know he had a reason. He has a reason for everything.

My gaze fell off him and past the rubble to the serene forrest. Time slipped away but a touch on my hand brought me back into the present. My head whipped around to see Tom's eyes fluttering as he brought a hand to his head and slowly sat up.

He seemed to wait a moment for his vision to clear and adjust to the light before bringing his head up to face his surroundings. Tom Riddle never showed much emotion but it was obvious he was shocked by what he saw. His head slowly swiveled around as he surveyed the ruins of what was Carrow mansion before he got to me.

As those damn Egyptian azure eyes poured into mine I could feel my eyes prickle, taking in a shaky breath. For the first time in a long time my resolve to stay strong broke and a tear slipped as I let myself fall into Tom's chest.

I barely felt his head dip down to look at me, too caught up in my emotions. What I did feel was his hand move to hold my head as his other arm wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him.

Another tear slipped. And another. And another.

I spent at least an hour burying myself further into Tom's clutch, as if searching for an answer to all my problems. As if asking for it to stop. Eventually, once I heard the groans of others waking up, I pulled away and stood while he mirrored my actions.

The first person I saw was Mae, and I quickly navigated through the field of debris, reaching her by the time she stood up. I watched as her eyes traveled around the ruins before turning to me. One moment of eye contact and she threw her arms around me in understanding. I hugged her back in appreciation, lingering before pulling away.

She looked back at me and proceeded to take my hand in hers. I tried to put all my appreciation in my gaze before we set off, making our way around the ruins to check on everyone.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now