Chapter 25

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" GUYS I PASSED ALL OF THE OWLS!" Killian screamed in delight as he came barging in the Gryffindor common room. Applause broke out which I couldn't help but laugh at. The quidditch team mobbed their captain in celebration. Looks like he would keep his position next year after all.

" See we told you you could do it." I grinned as I gave him a side hug. Mae, who was hanging out with us at the moment gave him a big hug as he spun them around. They were still the cutest couple.

" I do believe this requires a party." I concluded as faces lit up with smiles and Gryffindors cheered. The census was to throw one last Gryffindor house party of the year. This one was going to be bigger, better, and wilder than anything anyone had pulled off before. This school won't know what hit it.


" Mae, Mila, go use your charm to get some spirits from the house elves down in the kitchens. I want a full array of choices." I ordered the girls as they nodded and headed out the door.

" Killian, Ben, go with them to help carry bottles." The two quidditch players nodded and followed the girls.

" Gemina, I'm going to need you to go around to the portraits and make sure their lips stay sealed about the party and it's details, we don't need any repercussions. Blackmail them if you have to, I know you have dirt on everyone." I ordered Gemina as she rolled her eyes but headed off to do the job.

" Raidon, Quinn, Hunter, you guys are tall so you'll be putting up the decorations. I want tons of lights and streamers everywhere." I explained the vision to them as they proceeded to get to work.

" Ethan, Penny, you guys are good at charms, could you set up some to amplify the music around the room? As well as an imperturbable charm around Gryffindor tower and a caterwauling charm at the door." I asked the 6th and 7th year. They both excelled at the subject so I knew they would be able to cast powerful charms that could be trusted to do the job correctly.

" Yeah, we got it." Ethan responded after looking to Penny who nodded. I turned in a circle around the room before spotting Julianna Jackal, a 7th year girl with short curly brown hair and light brown eyes.

" Hey Julianna, do you still have those empty howlers from your Aunts shop?" I asked her.

" Ya they're just upstairs in my dorm." She responded.

" Do you think I could use them so we can inform the other three houses about the party?" I asked as she smiled with a little laugh at the thought of howlers zipping around only to deliver party information.

" Absolutely." She replied. She ran upstairs to the girls 7th year dorms to retrieve them and I thanked her as she handed them to me. I took them upstairs to my dorm so I could record the message without all the background noise.

" Hola bitches, Isla here to let you know Gryffindor is hosting its final house party of the year. Even if you're not typically a party person, trust me, you don't wanna miss out on this one. Fifth years and up only please, and any snitches stay home, we're not trying to get sent to Azkaban. This ones about to be wilder than ever. Ready to be limitless? Xoxo - the best house."

With that the howlers copied down my words on the paper and recorded my voice. I closed them and addressed them to the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin common rooms. I walked back downstairs and stepped just outside of the portrait door.

Bewitching the howlers to be carried to their respective house, I watched as they flew down the corridors. A moment later I caught sight of Mae, Mila, Killian, and Ben each carrying a box of spirits.

" Damn, nice job guys!" I praised with a smile that they all returned. With the amount of spirits we had, there wouldn't be a sober soul an hour into the party.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now