Chapter 2

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How did I get here? One minute I'm walking out of Potions and the next Tom Riddle is tailing me. Being a ridiculously towering 6'4 his large strides catch up to mine in no time despite being 5'9 with long legs.

I whip around and train my gaze on him, suspicion growing and likely showing through. Those same Egyptian azure eyes meet mine, reminding me of our strange encounter on the train.

" Can I help you?" I ask with a slight tone as my neck cranes up towards him. Most guys our age stand at around 6 foot, it's a strange experience for me to be over half a foot shorter then one. I don't know that I like it. I feel small, and his gaze, which is utterly degrading, is about to set off my ego in defense mode.

" You will."

Did this boy seriously just-

" Let's go." And before I could give him a piece of my mind his huge hands wrapped around my small wrist, locking into place before dragging me off down the corridors, robes billowing behind him. Dramatic much?

As I tried to sort out where we were going I forgot to attempt to pull my wrist from his hand. I looked down at the contact, bewildered. I don't think Tom Riddle is a very " touchy" person. I mean at all. As if reading my mind he let go with haste and I nearly ran into his back before processing our abrupt stop.

We're in the middle of a corridor. There's nothing here. What is he on? I looked up at him with judgmental eyes. He simply rolled his and began pacing. I must be missing something here.

Suddenly he stopped, and I heard a low rumble from the wall next to us. My eyes darted up to be met with a large wooden door. My eyes lit up with recognition before turning to meet his.

The room of requirement. Myth busted, because it's looking pretty real to me.

He opened the door and gestured me inside. I would've given him a suspicious glare but my curiosity and impatience said there was no place for that, not now anyway. I didn't even get a foot in the door before I was stopped in my tracks.

A grand room delighted my eyes, two fireplaces on either side, Malachite and onyx tiles on each, a beautiful golden snake slithered along the mantle. In the middle of the room was a grand chandelier and below an exquisitely carved mahogany table that had to seat at least 10. In the back portion of the room was two emerald couches, and a mahogany coffee table between, gold accents and all.

" Come on now, I don't have all day." Toms voice pulled me from my admiring as he brushed past me and made his way to the couches in the back. Still awestruck I followed blindly.

But once I sat down across from him my mind sobered up. I'm sitting in a huge room that everyone thinks is a myth, alone, with Tom Riddle. Good going Isla. I tried to appear more relaxed as I wiped away any fearful emotion on my face, sat back, and crossed my arms, looking to Tom.

For a few moments it appeared as if he was almost sizing me up. Then feeling a ache in my skull, I released he was trying to use legimency on me. He was trying to solve me like some mere puzzle. Nothing stimulates my flight or fight response like someone challenging my ego, which, encompasses a great many things.

Whether it be for the better or worse, as a Gryffindor I obviously choose the fight response.

" Alright Riddle, enough with your games. I'm not a puzzle for people to solve in their free time. If you want to ask me something, use your words and say it." I spit out angered as I sat up in my seat, gaze dead set on his.

For a split second he almost made me regret myself.

A fire lit up behind his eyes, as I swear they turned to more of a grey.

" I will not be spoken to like that. You don't even understand the opportunity I'm willing to be stow upon you!" His voice rose. My eyebrows furrowed.

" Opportunity? Bitch where." I spoke before I could think. I just had to be bold didn't I? Wrong timing.

" This was a mistake. Leave." He rolled his eyes and shooed me towards the door with a flick of his hand. Caught between curiosity and fury I stood still for a moment. Part of me wanted to nag the bloody hell out of him until I got answers, the other part was ready to storm out the door and slam it in his face.

Before I could think too long on it I opted for the latter. With a wish of my red hair I was striding for the exist, but quickly whipped around to cast a protego once I heard him begin to cast " obliviate" .

Gryffindor bravery boiling over again I marched towards him till I was inches from his face.

" I don't know who you think you are dragging me to some mythical room, being rude as hell for no reason, trying to break into my mind, followed by attempting to obliviate me from remembering the entire thing, but it's not sliding past me." I spoke with anger in a low tone as I jabbed my finger into his surprisingly muscular chest to emphasize my point.

With a flash his large hand was grasping my tiny wrist, yet again, stopping me from pulling it away any further. He yanked me back towards him. Our faces were so close I could feel his warm breath against my forehead. I locked eyes with his.

" Love, you'll learn to realize nothing can stop me from getting exactly what I want." He spoke dangerously. I have never met a man who can fill pet names with such malice. Really shouldn't be my focus but none the less true.

" Are you aware you're related to the Carrows?" He pulled me from my thoughts. Forgetting to wonder how in merlins name he found that out my face soured at the thought of my family.

" Unfortunately. Yearly Christmas dinners are the bain of my existence. The lot of them is ugly on the inside and out. Its a miracle I was sparred." I ranted with the same sourness.

The Carrow family was despicable. Family gatherings spent dabbling over the dark arts. Us children used as lab rats for spells and concoctions. I shuddered slightly. I'm not quite sure how I remained mostly intact.

Tom seemed to catch my shudder, as he raised an eyebrow but wiped it away within a second.

" So your familiar with Amycus and Alecto?" He asked as I couldn't help another shudder that racked my body, just thinking of my dreaded cousins.

" My cousins on my mothers side, evil like the lot of them, why?" I question him as part of my response.

" How about you sit back down and I'll tell you, Isla." At that point I should've left.

I stayed.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now