Chapter 19

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Several days had passed after the incident the morning after Christmas, and tonight was New Years Eve. Deciding I was fed up with sitting around doing nothing, I made my way down to the great hall to get some dinner.

The house elves cooked me up some mince pies and even chocolate fudge for dessert. After eating I walked back out of the Great hall, running into Professor Dumbledore.

" Hello Ms.Hildegard, how has your holiday gone so far?" The bearded man asked with a smile.

" It's been nice to recharge and rest, but it's terribly strange being at Hogwarts when it's so desolate, Sir." I replied with a little chuckle. Suddenly struck with an idea I looked up to the man.

" Would it be ok if I went out on a small trip to Hogsmeade? I have my papers signed, their just in my dormitory-" I explained before he stopped me with a laugh and wave of his hand.

" There's no need Ms.Hildegard, I trust your word. I do advise you return before nightfall however." The Professor concluded. I thanked him before heading back to my dorm to grab a coat that I could layer over my jumper.


The snowy streets of Hogsmeade were especially lively tonight, passing by The Three Broomsticks I gazed through the windows. Witches and Wizards filled the seats chatting loudly, with glasses always filled. I almost considered going in, but thought it unwise as I was alone.

The Hogshead was the same, just filled with more creepy old geezers than the prior. I made a stop in Honeydukes sweets shop to get my favorites; jumping snakes, pink coconut ice, and a white chocolate skull.

After thanking Mr. and Mrs. Flume I headed to Mademoiselle Marchbanks Bewitching Boutique to pay her a visit. The little doorbell ringed as I entered the shop, scanning for the French woman.

" Mademoiselle Marchbanks?" I called out. I heard a shuffle from the back room before she popped out from behind the curtain door, smiling as she caught sight of me to which I returned.

" Ah Isla! So nice to see you!" She spoke excitedly as she made her way over to me, setting down a box of assorted fabrics on the counter. She magically made up some earl grey tea for the both of us.

My first trip to Mademoiselle Marchbanks boutique was when I first tasted Earl Grey. I've been addicted ever since. Handing me a rose teacup that matched well to the pink couch, I smiled and pulled out the jar of jumping snakes I had purchased earlier. We also shared a love for the Honeydukes treat.

" How's school been dear? I can tell your troubled." she spoke with concern as she sipped her tea.

" There's... this boy." I admitted. Her mouth went agape slightly as her eyes held a playful look.

" My my, I never imagined I'd see the day where Isla Nikita Hildegard openly talked about a boy!" She exclaimed with a dramatic hand to her chest. I chuckled rolling my eyes.

" I didn't either, but this boy Mademoiselle, he's extremely... peculiar." I nearly laughed at myself, having dulled Tom Riddle down to one simple word.

" Peculiar in a good or bad way?" She asked after swallowing a jumping snake she was chewing on.

" Bad, good, I feel as if he constantly switches. But he's managed to peak my curiosity like no one has before, he's something different." I chose my words carefully but confidently. After all, it was true.

" He sounds like an interesting character if he's managed to capture your interest." She replied as we shared a smile.

" What I can advise you is this, don't always believe those you tell you they love you, believe those who show you they do. For you'll find the old saying is true, actions speak louder than words, and it's all in the details." She said as she took my hands in hers, giving them a comforting squeeze.

" Thanks mom." I responded with a sincere smile before catching my mistake. Before I could laugh it off and apologize, she went in for a hug that I returned.

Mademoiselle Marchbanks was always like a second mother to me, being away from home at school for a majority of my adolescence, she was always there to give me advice, a hug, or just chat over tea and sweets.

" Now I want to hear about you as well, how amazing was it having one of your pieces in a fashion show in Milan?" I asked with a grin as we released from the hug, launching back into conversation.

After another hour or so visiting Mademoiselle Marchbanks, I left the boutique at sunset. The walk back to the castle was beautifully peaceful. The birds that stayed for the winter could be heard chirping in the trees, and vibrant oranges and pinks filled the skies as the last day of the year came to a close.

After dropping my coat back in my dorm I made my way back downstairs and to the couch in the Gryffindor common room. Lighting the fireplace with my wand I wandered over to the bookshelf.

After a minute of deliberation I settled on 'Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them' by renowned Magizoologist Newt Scamander. I adjusted myself so I sat crisscross on the floor, back leaning against the couch. Sighing in content, I began to read as the fire warmed me.

That is until the common room door flew open.
Jumping up and pulling my wand out I readied myself, seeing as no one left in the castle had the reason or password to get in. I scoffed once the intruder came into light.

" Tom! How in Godrics name did you get in here!?" I interrogated. And to think my day was going so well up until that point.

" Even the portraits can't resist my charm." He responded as I shook my head in anger and disbelief. I would certainly be talking with the Fat Lady after this. My eyes refocused, landing on Tom, as I watched him snatch up my book from the floor, and plop down on the couch.

" You still look half dead." I jeered, crossing my arms and turning away from the boy. He was more careless with his movements than usual.

Typically, everything with Tom was calculated, but it seemed as if he still lacked energy. And the dark lines under his eyes told me he wasn't getting much sleep. I walked back over to the bookshelf, debating on picking another title.

" You're still full of remarks I see." He responded not taking his eyes off his page as I scoffed and rolled my eyes. This reminded me of one time I went to stay at a family friends for the summer, the older couple had just filled for a divorce, and bickered constantly. I shuddered at the similarity.

Deciding against grabbing another book I made my way over to the couch Tom sat at. I perched myself on the arm of the sofa, hugging my knees to my chest, I rested my head on them as I stared into the flames.

Despite feeling his eyes on me, he didn't make sarcastic comments. Nothing but the sound of the crackling fire could be heard as we sat in a strangely comfortable silence. Tom reading his book, and my thoughts bouncing around my head.

After fifteen minutes had passed, I glanced at the clock on one of the tables and saw there was only a minute left until midnight. My gaze shifted to Tom, who sat in a rather calm manner, as if he was content.

" You would've hexed me sooner or later anyway. Besides, you're not the same..." By the time he looked up from his book to me, brows furrowed, I was already standing behind the couch, just over his shoulder.

Throwing my life away, I grabbed his jaw with my hand and placed my lips on his just as the clock struck midnight. He froze, the light from the fireworks cascaded through the windows, explosions heard in the distance.

Just before I pulled away, I felt an almost undetectable pressure from his lips. I pulled myself away, giving his shoulder a pat, and turned to head upstairs, but not before whispering:

" Happy New Years Tom."

That night I didn't sleep much, too busy kicking myself for what I had done. I knew I had only made things worse for myself, kissing him. That was the last thing I needed. But alas, it felt as if I had accomplished something, like meeting a goal you'd strived after for so long. I tossed the thought away, slamming my head back into my pillow.

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