Chapter 33

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A familiar shrill scream woke me up. As my eyes struggled to adjust to their surroundings I realized it was the middle of the night, which would account for everything being blanketed in a pitch black. I turned to my left to see Tom awakened as well. I watched his brows furrow before a look of realization struck him. Confused and concerned I launched into a ramble.

" I have no idea what that was but it didn't sound good. For once it's not your doing but I swear if you brought nearly everyone I care about to a hotel where people get murdered I'll-" My eyes widened as I was cut off with Tom's lips covering my own. To my disappointment I didn't have time to deepen the kiss as he pulled away and looked directly at me, hand holding my jaw.

"Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. Everything is going to be fine, but I need you to stay here and go back to sleep." He commanded as I looked up at him with curiosity. Before I could open my mouth to speak against him he kissed me one last time before he stood up, grabbed trousers and a shirt, put them on with haste, and walked out the hotel room door.

I sat in bed for a minute, focusing on listening to the sounds of the city outside. As expected I didn't last much longer before ripping the sheets off and swinging my feet to the ground. I crept to the door and slowly pulled it open.

Realizing I had no clue where the scream had come from, I decided to go to Raidons room. A brief knock was all it took for the door to be swung open, revealing Raidon, without a shirt I'll note, already awake.

Once I pulled my gaze from his abs I noticed Mae and Killian emerging from behind him, the formers eyes misty. Alarmed I turned my attention back to Raidon as I got a look at his face, features heavy with worry.

" It's Nagini." His response left me gaping. The sudden smack of revelations hit me like a truck. In the chaos of the past few weeks I had forgotten Nagini was supposed to turn. Permanently. Guilty tears pricked my eyes as a flood of thoughts washed over me. I hadn't the slightest clue what she was going through and I forgot to even ask.

Mae recognized my reaction and made her way from next to Killian, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me into a hug. I squeezed her back as I rested my head on her shoulder, appreciating the comforting embrace. A burning question hit me as I pulled back.

" Sean. Guys where's Sean?" I asked with a slightly frantic tone. We might be having a hard time coping but what Sean had to have been experiencing was on a different level. Killian brought his hands up to rest on both mine and Mae's shoulders before he answered me.

" He's already with her."

" But Tom-" I began.

" I imagine he'd refuse to leave." Raidon added leaving us nodding solemnly.

" Maybe I should go..." I spoke, worried thoughts creeping into my mind concerning the two opposite men together without a mediator. To my surprise Raidon shook his head.

" I don't think you have to play peacemaker this time, Isla." He voiced his opinion. If Raidon of all people, didn't think a problem would arise, it most likely wouldn't, so I accepted his judgment. Though until I had proof, my worry wouldn't be put to rest. I shifted my weight back and forth between my feet, listening to the time wasting conversations that struck back up between my friends.


About two hours later a light shake of my shoulder woke me back up.

" I'm fine, I'm up." I argued as I blinked before rubbing my eyes to see Raidon next to me, my body slumped in his bed. I stood up as the door opened, revealing Sean, whose knock I must've missed.

A moment of silence passed between us, as the five of us shared an emotion that I would almost compare to mourning a death. Sean's eyes found mine, and looking into them, it was heartbreakingly obvious a layer of sheen that once covered them was gone. Dark lines mixed with redness told me he had cried at some point, and hadn't slept in too long. I felt my eyes prick with tears again as I tried to blink them away.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now