Chapter 11

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Two weeks passed dreadfully slowly, classes canceled. A thick fog of despair hung over Hogwarts and it's inhabitants. Although none were as personally effected as Kurtis, knowing a fellow student died within the same walls was depressing and scary.

Word got out to those of us who didn't know, including myself, but poor Myrtle was bullied often because of her looks. Olive Hornby, another 4th year girl who was one of the main bullies in Myrtles short life, found her after she had dropped dead in the lavatory. I don't think Olive will ever be the same again.

None of the teachers had explained the cause of her death in detail, but the students knew it was something serious and abnormal.

Myrtle Warren was murdered.

I hadn't attended another death eater meeting. However what really shocked me was that neither Tom, nor any of the five members had said anything to me about it. I hadn't even seen them.

This was supposed to be exactly what I wanted. To be distant from them, to not expect their company... as if nothing had ever happened. But I don't think I could play pretend.

Completely against my self, I almost wanted to crack down on the silence more. To find out what secrets they were hiding, and how many there were. But even if I managed to uncover one, it would have no use now.

Just Thursday, an assembly was called in the Grand hall. Students packed in, eager to hear news regarding the recent events, including if the school would remain open.

" Students, I have gathered you here today, to announce that the perpetrators of poor Myrtle Warrens murder have been caught. They have been removed from school grounds and dealt with by authorities. I must note, none of this would be possible without Mr. Tom Riddle, who we'd like to present an award to for Services to the School!" Were Headmaster Dippets exact words.

I stood still as everyone around me erupted into applause, as they looked up to the boy who was somehow deemed the ' model student' and Hogwarts wide heartthrob. I watched Tom walk up to receive his award and shake the Headmasters hand, as their picture was taken for the Daily Profit. I looked down the teachers table until I saw Professor Dumbledore.

Despite the slow clap he was doing, which was just enough to blend into the crowd, I knew. I knew by that look on his face, and especially in his eyes. Tom Riddle wasn't as innocent as any of us had thought.

Recapping the memories from these past two weeks I cussed myself out in my head. How could I be so utterly stupid? What was I thinking? I should've never gotten involved with Tom Riddle and his gang.
Although he encountered me on the train first, and he seemed to have his sights set on me because of my relation to the Carrows, there were ways out of it.

I could've left if I put up enough of a fight. But I didn't. Why didn't I?

" Isla! Isla! Did you hear the news!" Mae appeared at my side as I walked around the corridors. I cringed. I had heard that sentence too much in the past two weeks, and it usually wasn't good news.

" They're hosting a masquerade ball for Halloween! It's just a week away!" My spirits uplifted slightly. It wasn't more terrible news. Although I thought it was rather inappropriate of the school.

" That does sound exciting, although I can't believe Hogwarts teachers would decide to host a masquerade ball just 3 weeks after one of the students was murdered." I shook my head with a shudder. Honestly, what was this supposed to achieve?

" They said it could help boost morale. Getting students excited about something like a ball is healthier then mourning over Myrtles death." Mae explained as though she read my thoughts.

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