Chapter 4

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The first thing I saw when I woke was light pouring in four grand windows I didn't recognize. I sat up rubbing my eyes and taking in my surroundings. I was on the emerald couch in the one and only Room of Requirement, which had been switched back from its library state.

Oh no.

Sitting up frantically, I reached to grab my robe that I had shrugged off during the night before running out the doors. I can not believe I let myself fall asleep in a room that none of my friends know about with none other then Tom Riddle walking about.

I thought back to my previous words on the train about Tom not Avada-ing me in my sleep, and thanked Merlin I was right. Returning to my dorm I saw the time and realized I missed breakfast but still had enough time to get to my first class on time. I snatched up my books, fixed my hair and ran out the common room door, much to the fat ladies displeasure.

After a brisk jog through the corridors before making it to classroom 6A, I walked into Ancient Runes with just a moment to spare. I made my way over to my seat next to Mae and sighed with relief. Though I suddenly sensed something was off.

Looking up I was met with most of the classes eyes on me. Furrowing my brows, I couldn't understand what was worth staring at, it's not like I was late, and even that isn't too big of a deal.

" Oh my Merlin Isla, are those Slytherin robes?!" Spoke Gemina Fawley, a slightly annoying and nosy Gryffindor. Her grandfather, Hector Fawley, was the Minister for Magic in Britain, and because of this, she walked around as if she owned the place and had a right to know everything. Her cousin, Phoenix Fawley, was a 4th year Gryffindor, and was much more likeable than the prying brunette. My eyes widened at the accusation, and I looked down, to my horror, seeing a set of Slytherin robes.

Studying them with wide eyes, it was obvious they were huge, in my rush this morning I somehow managed to miss that. Hogwarts robes were rather baggy, but I was drowning in these. I looked up at a loss for words, luckily Mae stepped in for me.

" Oh girl those are mine. We were up studying last night and she must've grabbed mine my mistake. No tea right now." She responded cooly as others began to nod in acceptance, although the robes were several sizes to big for her, being slim and 5'5.

" Well where's hers?" Gemina pressured, not wanting to let the subject slide. I freaked out remembering Mae had to have her Slytherin robes as well. My eyes darted to her and I was astonished to see her with no robe at all. Then noticing it stuffed away discreetly in her bag, where other students wouldn't notice.

" She accidentally left them in my dorm this morning! Off to a chaotic start this year." She replied with a chuckle as a few students still listening to the conversation joined her. Then everyone, including a disappointed looking Gemina, turned back as Professor Babbling began the lesson.

" Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I deadpanned with genuine appreciation to Mae as we walked away from Ancient Runes. She smiled and laughed.

" Girl I've always got your back. As your soul sister, it's my duty. But I'm not going to let you start keeping secrets. Who'd you shag last night?" She asked with a squeal as she awaited my response.

" I didn't shag anyone Mae. I honestly have no idea where these robes came from." I mumbled off, starting to rack my thoughts for a plausible explanation. Mae leaned in a little closer to me before whispering:

" There's no shame in admitting anything. Did you get something to smoke from a Hufflepuff? I'd hope not cause it's only day 2." She concluded.

" No I haven't smoked anything, I'm not high and am perfectly sober." I chuckled slightly at her speculation. As we stood against the corridor wall, a familiar figure came whipping around the corner. My mind raced at the realization, but struggled to piece together how it happened.

Mae must've noticed my stare and turned to see the one and only Tom Riddle headed right for us. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she noticed he wasn't wearing any robes, and appeared to have my Gryffindor ones clasped in his hand.

" Mae, Mae, this isn't what it -" I begun frantically as her mouth was open and she was placing a hand over it. Eyebrows raising up and down, giving me suggestive looks.

" No, no really it's-" I continued to no avail.

" Oh my god. Isla!! Damn!!" She started raving still surprised. Not wanting to create a scene I began frantically attempting to communicate through hand gestures. Tom had reached us by this point and snatched up my small wrist in his hand, dragging me away.

I continued to gesture to my friend, probably looking like some muggle ASL expert on crack, as she kept gaping in shock, eyebrows raising suggestively and eyes glimmering with that look meaning I would never hear the end of this, despite the misunderstanding.

Suddenly pulled back into the moment, I was shoved against the hard wall as I looked around to realize we were in a broom closet. We. Right.

Eyes zipping right up to where they met Toms, I sucked in a breathe before going off at him.

" You know thanks to that rather overdramatic scene you just pulled, In the middle of the corridor, mind you, I'm never going to hear the end of it. Luckily Mae also works miracles and has everyone convinced we were studying last night and these are her robes, even though they're way to big for her. Me as well. I'm practically drowning." I finished with a huff, the hair that fell in my face being blown to the side.

" You're acting like this didn't correlate for me to have a difficult morning as well." He said with an eye roll before lightly tossing my robes for me to catch.

" Also, maybe you're just smaller then you think you are." He added, which succeeded in getting a rise out of me.

" I'm your body guards height!" I said referring to Alexander.

" And I'm tall for a girl! You know most men are about 6'0, you're just ridiculously tall! In the muggle world, you'd probably be some all American athlete!" I fired back. Also taking a quick note of how his nostrils flared at the word muggle.

" I will be compared to no such thing." He replied with a dangerous low tone as he got right up in my face, bending down. Looking to my right I even saw one of his hands trapping me in, as it rested firmly against the brick. Swallowing lightly I looked up. Egyptian azure clashing with light blue.

" So can I get my robes back or not?" He spoke up. Deciding to ruffle his feathers as he so fondly did with me, I replied:

" You can not if I'm given a choice. I think I'm going to embrace the oversized look, and start a new trend amongst students this year." Even taking the liberty to do a few quick poses, draped in his Slytherin robes.

"Isla." He warned.

"Tommy." I retorted as I leaned back against the wall, crossing my arms. I looked down at my nails, for extra effect, but admittedly lost a breath upon looking back up.

Both of Toms hands were now placed on the wall, right above my shoulders, confining my head and essentially my entire body, as his was just hovering over mine. Stopping myself before analyzing his physique any further, I darted my eyes up to his face, which was too close for comfort.

" You miss my presence that much?" He whispered into my ear as I lost another breath. I ducked under his arm and rolled my eyes, before quickly beginning to slip my arms out of his robe.

" You just had to ruin the moment huh." I shook my head looking at the accomplished smirk that rested upon his face.

" What, you think we were having a moment?" As soon as those words left his mouth I realized my fatal mistake.

" No. Nope. My moment. You know what, I'm leaving." I slid on my Gryffindor robe, happy to not worry about tripping on excess fabric once again.

" Bye Riddle." I concluded.

" Ah, on a last name basis are we? Until next week Hildegard." He raised his tone for me to hear as I walked out of the closest after checking that the coast was clear. Next week huh. Yeah we'll see.

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