Chapter 24

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The next morning I wished nothing more then to let my head sink into my pillow and never get up, but unfortunately OWLS were not optional. By the time we got back from our late night escapade it was nearly 2 am, so I could only hope I could successfully run off of 5 hours of sleep.

Once I got on my robes, brushed my teeth and got myself ready, I headed downstairs. I said tired good mornings to Mila, Killian, and Raidon as we walked out the portrait door on our way to breakfast.

" Didn't get much sleep?" Mila asked noticing my sluggishness as we walked down the stairs.

" Not as much as I would've liked, yesterday was pretty busy." I told her with a light smile.

" Didn't you go out with people last night? It was... uh..."

" Two Slytherin guys." Raidon finished for Killian as my eyes went wide and darted to him. Of course he would remember that. My mind flashed to my worry the previous night of how to explain the dark mark to Raidon, but then remembered Aldus' cover story.

I hoped Raidon wouldn't notice it in the first place but if he did I had a plan b.

" Yeah, just guys from class, getting ready for OWL's..." I lied thankful we had reached the great hall. I swiftly sat down at the Gryffindor table and began to serve myself. Grabbing some toast, eggs, and bacon I pulled out my transfiguration book, planning to get a last bit of review in.

" Guys these OWL's got me worried, I'm pretty sure if I fail several of them they'll ban me from the quidditch team next year." I heard Killian sulking as he sat with the two Gryffindor beaters, Ethan Voland and Angus Lachlan.

" Just give it your all dude, we need our captain out there." Ethan responded as he gave Killian a pat on the back.

" And for motivation, just think, after this week we have a whole week of no classes to play on the pitch." Angus grinned. The brown haired, brown eyed Scottish boy held a great passion for the game. If Killian in fact was banned for a year, I had no doubt Angus would be voted in as captain.

Turning my head the opposite way, I saw Raidon sitting next to Gemina, who seemed to be telling him something in a hushed tone. I squinted my eyes in suspicion and slight worry, who knows what lies, or truths, she's spinning up.

" Oh Mila! I've been meaning to ask you, how are things with you and Rein? I know you guys were at the ball together earlier this year, but anything new as of late?" I asked Mila who was right across from me.

" Pretty good! We hang out when we can, whether it be Quidditch or studying. He's honestly such a sweet guy, he's different from what I first expected." She ended with a little laugh as I joined her.

" I agree. He seems all dark and sketchy when you first meet him though he's nothing but." I elaborated as we continued to chat and study through breakfast.

We headed off to our first exam which was Charms. There was a large section about summoning charms, luckily Professor Erik Zsolt ( pronounced sholt, it's Hungarian:) )warned us about that ahead of time so we could study. I mentally thanked him as I got through the written questions easily.

Once the time was up everyone set down their quills and passed their papers up the row. We moved onto the charm casting portion, each student performing several charms as OWL officials went around and recorded scores.

Among the charms required was the summoning charm, growth charm, and the most difficult, the disillusionment charm that we had to perform on a goblet. I managed to successfully perform each charm and sighed relieved once it was over.

For some, the week dragged along much to their displeasure, but to me, it flew. My OWLs went pretty well in my opinion, we'll find out for sure next week. But it amazes me it was already the 23rd of June, we had just one more week and we would be gone for the year, or in my case off on the death eater field trip.

The Beginning of the End • Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now