The Curse of Cornelius Sigan [1]

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In the nearly six months since their ordeal with the Questing Beast and the consequences which came with it, much of Arwen's life had changed. It's what happens when one gets promoted from being a physician's apprentice to being an actual physician herself. Something over which the red head had felt somewhat guilty about. At least until, one day around a month after, Merlin smacked her on the head, quite literally, and told her to stop being annoyingly humble since, according to him, she deserved the promotion long before she received it anyways.

In her new position, Arwen was still working under Gaius, but now she had more responsibilities and duties all across the city. She never complained or minded, not when she loved her job as much as she did. As more time passed, she became proud of her promotion. And there was another thing she thought she could be pleased by, although others would find it odd most likely. But nonetheless, Arwen was quite happy that in the months of being an official physician, not once had she been summoned to any kind of tomb or crypt.

Sadly, all good streaks must come to an end sooner or later.

"How do you think he died?" Was her brother's first question as they found themselves standing in what was once a hidden tomb beneath the Citadel. Unearthed by the diggers who'd been tasked with excavating the tunnels by Uther.

The hidden chamber was full of jewels, golds and all kinds of treasures, and while some would find the sight amazing, Arwen was more unsettled by it than anything else, from the moment she stepped foot into it. She simply assumed it to be her usual distaste of such places, even if she did feel it in a different way this time. She ignored that.

Instead, she focused on her work, Merlin's question prompting her to walk past her brother and towards the body of the dead man which had brought them down here in the first place. Kneeling by his side, she observed what she could see at first glance while her brother turned to the older physician who remained entirely oblivious to the fact that he'd been asked a question.

It took both of the siblings to call out his name for the man to realize he wasn't alone and turn to look at them, the expression on his face making it clear he hadn't caught the question and Merlin would have to ask it again. Only his question had changed by now already . "Do you know whose tomb it is?"

"Not sure." Gaius' reply was simple, voice still distant and aloof and making Arwen send him a curious look. He'd been perfectly fine until they stepped in here.

"Do you think it might be cursed?" Merlin's query had Arwen's mind jumping away from Gaius' state and focusing on glaring at her brother now.

"Oh, please, it being a creepy tomb is enough, can we not talk about it being cursed?" She pleaded with the idiot whose only response was an amused smile sent her way. He would definitely be getting a whack on the head for that one later.

The pleasing thought of getting back at her brother soon evaporated from Arwen's head as Gaius moved around the tomb, and in a flash Arwen could hear the moment he stepped on a trap, and the whoosh of the arrow that flew his way. Luckily, Merlin's reflexes were just as fast. A metal plate flew up into the air, positioning itself as a shield between Gaius and the arrow which would have otherwise killed him.

It took a wide-eyed Gaius a moment to get his bearings again before he was able to speak. "You just saved my life. Thank you." Merlin simply smiled back, happy to be able to do it, but not saying anything.

And it was good that he didn't as soon after the familiar voice of the King reached their ears from the halls just in front of the tomb. The noise made Merlin quickly drop the magic which continued to hold up the plate, and it rolled across the floor. Right to Uther's feet as he walked into the room, Merlin rushing after it to pick it up.

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