The Labyrinth of Gedref [3]

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When Merlin first told her that their talk with Arthur had worked and the two of them had gone out to search for Anhora in the woods, Arwen felt hopeful. She was happy Arthur was ready to take responsibility for the death of the unicorn and prove himself through the tests. And then Merlin's story continued beyond the point when he and the Prince rode out of Camelot.

Arthur had not only found Anhora, but the keeper of the unicorns had a test ready for him. One that the Pendragon failed. And according to the legends, there was nothing they could do. The famine would continue to spread over Camelot, especially once Uther stopped distributing the rations to anyone who isn't a member of Camelot's army. Until the Kingdom itself was gone and all those who didn't run from it dead.

Arwen and Merlin, of course, weren't the type to just sit down and let someone tell them it was over. Not when there was still a fighting chance. Not when they had to try. After all, they lost nothing by trying. And so, the siblings found themselves standing in the woods, their voices calling out and echoing among the trees.

"Anhora! Show yourself! Anhora!" Merlin called out desperately, turning in all directions as he searched for the man.

"Please! We just want to talk!" Arwen added on, making it clear they meant him no harm. Even though she had her sword at her hip, Arwen knew through stories it would be useless on the sorcerer. But he certainly wasn't the only one out in the woods, and it was always better to be safe rather than sorry.

"You wanted to talk with me?" The unfamiliar voice sounded from behind them, making Arwen jump in surprise as she turned on her heel. She took in the man, dresses in white robes, he sent them a curious look. That paired with his question made Arwen work very hard not to send him a pointed look because, yes, that is exactly what she'd screamed out into empty air only moments ago.

"We've come to seek your help. The people are starving. They will soon be dead." Merlin was the first to speak, pleading with the man, hoping he'd have some sympathy for the people who were entirely innocent in all of this.

"It is not the people who are suffering now who are at fault for the unicorn, why take it out on them?" Arwen questioned, having been wondering that exact thing from the moment all of this started. Anhora liked to stand there and believe he wasn't cruel, but this was worse than some other sorcerers they'd faced.

"You must believe me when I say it gives me no pleasure to see your people suffering." Anhora tried to walk on his high ground, just as Arwen expected him to. And this time, she couldn't help but scoff.

"If it pains you, put an end to it." Merlin pleaded. It was obvious that the suffering of the people while he is unable to do anything, even with his magic, was getting to Merlin just as much as it was to the rest of them.

"It is not in my power to lift the curse." Anhora repeated what he'd told Arthur many times before. But hearing the words this time, straight from the man himself, Arwen's brows furrowed as she focused on something else. Something he didn't mention.

"But the tests are." She spoke after a moment. It wasn't a question. While the curse may be out of his control, someone needed to be in charge of the tests. To put them in place. To observe and decide. When no reply came, Arwen took it as confirmation enough. "Give Arthur another chance."

"Yes!" Merlin supported the idea instantly, happy that his sister had thought of it. "He has accepted it is his responsibility, and he will prove himself worthy and lift the curse if you give him one more chance." Merlin pleaded their case.

"You have faith in Arthur?" While it was Merlin who spoke, Anhora's eyes remained focused on Arwen instead, as if he wanted her to answer the question. She couldn't understand it, nor could she guess why he continued to look at her as if he knew her. She was certain she'd never met the man before today.

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