The Coming of the Queen [1]

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"It is no surprise that some would be exploring the boundaries of what they can accomplish at a time like this." All of the council listened as Lord Agravaine commented on the news of Odin's men crossing the border into Camelot as a means of assessing the kingdom's new age and king himself. "It is at this time that we should make a show of strength. Not only to Odin but all the kingdoms that the change of power has done nothing to diminish Camelot's strength."

"You are right, uncle." Arthur nodded his head, the thoughtful look wiping from his face as he snapped out of his mind. "We will revisit this topic during our next meeting this afternoon, but for now, the council is dismissed." The king proclaimed, knowing they'd been sitting here for hours and many, just as he, were starting to lose their focus. Another thing which was clear from the way none protested as they began to rise from their seats, bowing their head to him before taking their leave.

Arthur wasn't far behind them, walking alongside Merlin in silence through the halls as they made their way to his chambers, Merlin only breaking it to announce he'd go to the kitchens to get Arthur a meal before the training session he was to attend within the hour. It was why Arthur expected to walk into empty chambers when he pushed through the door, only for a smile to come over his face as he realized how wrong he'd been.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how it is that you manage to be here before me every time?" He questioned as he closed the door behind him, walking over to the window where Arwen stood looking out into the courtyard as she waited, the sun shining through the glass making her hair burn through the air.

"I know the secret nooks and crannies." She said mysteriously, making him let out a chuckle as his arms went around her waist from behind, chin leaning on her shoulder as he looked down at the people moving about their days. "How are you feeling?" She asked softly as her hands came to cover his.

"We all knew our enemies would wish to test us at a time like this." Arthur said honestly. "I only worry of how far they might be willing to go to do it." He said. He didn't want to do something wrong or for this little rebellion, which was more along the lines of a tradition to take place at the start of each new king's reign, to escalate beyond their control.

"Then maybe your show of strength should come sooner rather than later." Arwen said, making his brows furrow as he took note of her tone.

"You sound like you have something in mind?" He asked, oblivious to what it may be as she turned in his arms, making him move slightly away but never so far that he had to let go of her.

"I've been speaking with the Warrens and... Arthur it's time." She announced, making surprise spark in his eyes for just a moment as she went on to explain. "Not only because we've been planning to do it once our negotiations with Lot were finished, but also because showing that Camelot has an ally in Prairene will only fortify you standing as a new king."

"You're sure about this?" He questioned, knowing how big of a step it was, not only for her, but for the entire kingdom of Prairene. And for Camelot too. "I don't want you doing it because of me."

"Perhaps you are part of the reason, I won't deny that, but... I can't be the anonymous queen forever." Arwen said honestly, hand reaching up to brush against his cheek as she thought of all the things that had influenced her decision. "Right now, there is no new threat to my life, no political matter through which we must tread lightly... Now is as good a time as ever."

"You truly think you're ready?"

"No." Arwen let out a small laugh at the simple answer. "Is anyone ever though?" She added on, knowing that even though she was taking a different path to it, much of what she was saying Arthur could still understand well. "I keep thinking about my life as it is now. About all the things I won't be able to do anymore. I'll miss it. Being a physician, one of the people and just... Arwen."

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