The Castle of Fyrien [1]

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Even though it wasn't even midday, Arwen was surprised to find that the tavern in Camelot's lower town was still rather full in the mornings. However, in this instance, she didn't mind it too much. The cacophony of noise and ongoing conversation among its patrons ensured that her own could go on unheard.

"No one's had any luck, I'm afraid. Montague and his family have hidden well." Cassian said with a forlorn look on his face. During Edmund's absence from Camelot, the man posing as a tavern owner was her source of communication with Prairene and her men. "But the armies are looking."

His information made the redhead sitting at the table across from him give out a small sigh. She hid it whenever others would ask, and didn't speak of it out loud, but she couldn't deny that she was worried of what might happen once the news of her recovery reached the Montagues. She worried if they might try their attempts once more.

"Lord Warren has spared a dozen or so men to come to the city until they're found." Noticing the questioning and disapproving look on Arwen's face, Cassian was quick to go into more detail. "No one who's been here before. New recruits who've made homes in the lower town to keep an eye out."

"Are we sure that's safe?"

"My lady, someone tried to kill you knowing well what the consequences for our kingdom would be. Whatever reason the Montagues had; they clearly care little for what happens to Prairene." Cassian reminded her. Not that he needed to. It was one of the things that perplexed her the most. "No one is willing to take a chance of them coming back. The men are here to ensure they don't go unnoticed should they return."

"They're already here?" Arwen asked curiously, watching as Cassian nodded his head in the direction of the bar, where a man she actually hadn't seen during any of her previous ventures inside, was busy drying off some of the freshly washed glasses.

"Spread and hiding throughout the city." The barkeep said, making her eyes turn back to him again as he spoke. "Dario works for me. Some have gotten jobs around town, the bakery or the markets, places where they hear rumours and gossip. A few even managed to find jobs in the castle."

It was hard for Arwen to hide her surprise at the information. Of course, both Edmund and Geoffrey had brought up a similar idea before, but until now there wasn't actually any need for it. Yes, Camelot had its own dangers, but thus far none of them had been directed at Arwen herself. The fact that she kept involving herself in those situations was a different story altogether.

"They're hidden, so they won't come to you unless the situation calls for it." Cassian added. "Lord Warren thought it best that you do not know all their identities right away. We don't want to reveal them before they've had a chance to do their jobs."

Arwen nodded in acceptance. She could see the logic behind the decision. "I understand." However, she still felt the need to add more. "But please if you do see them, thank them for me. And thank Dario."

"I will, my lady."

"I should get going, I have duties to tend to." She announced, already starting to rise from her chair and walking towards the door, Cassian following after her to escort her back out into the streets.

Her words made the man give out a small chuckle as he gave her a pointed look. "You do know that the palace is ready for your return? You needn't continue on being a physician every day."

Arwen let out an amused laugh at the claim as she shook her head. "Tired of being the barkeep, are you?"

"The drunks are annoying."

"Thank you for what you're doing here, Cassian." Arwen let her amusement by his comment slip away as she fixed him with a grateful look. "I know it must not have been the job you expected when joining the army."

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