The Darkest Hour [1]

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It had been nearly a year. A year since Morgana's betrayal and Camelot's fall. A year since so much came out into the open, the truth spoken for all to hear and see. And in that time, so much had changed. Arwen couldn't help but wonder what came next. Now that Camelot was restored and rebuilt, all of its people and citizens coming together to help make it happen. And even those from beyond its borders too.

"My father is to hold talks with Lot in the following days." Edmund spoke as he and Arwen moved through the busy halls of the castle, preparations for tonight's feast and celebration causing a frenzy of staff to be rushing around every minute. "And he believes this time they might be able to strike a deal. It would give Lot the East, but the West would be yours."

"Good." Arwen nodded her head in approval. It wasn't the best, but sacrifices had to be made. And hell, at least she was still somewhat fixing the mistakes of her ancestor. "Escetir in its entirety used to be a part of Prairene before King Edmund's reign. At least we'll get some of it back."

"And my father has wondered-" Edmund found himself forcing a stop to his question as he and Arwen walked past a rather familiar servant and knight who were up to no good right in the middle of the halls where everyone could see them. So, when Arwen's hand smacked on the top of her brother's head, Merlin only then realizing she was right behind him, Edmund had no issue waiting for a few more moments before their conversation could continue.

"Lancelot, if you get him caught, I'm going to kill you myself." The redhead instructed strictly, making both Merlin and Lancelot laugh in amusement.

"But you don't mind it when I use it to clean our room?" Merlin tried for his best innocent tone only to be on the receiving end of her sharp gaze once more.

"That is because our room is private and hidden away in the physicians' chambers." She pointed out. It certainly wasn't the middle of a busy hall full of people. "And I know that if you didn't do it that way, I'd be forced to live in a pigsty." She added on in a pointed tone, making a sheepish smile appear on her brother's face as she and Edmund moved past him once more.

"As I was saying," Edmund continued on. "My father and mother, alike, have been wondering what is to happen once we do reach an agreement with Lot." He started to explain. "The ceremony to bind a piece of land, even if it is to bind it back-"

"We will not be doing that." Arwen announced as they began to move through the courtyard, Edmund sparing her a confused look for a moment, long enough for her to register it, before focusing on the street ahead of him once more. "Part of why I instructed your father to take men to Cenred's kingdom and claim it as our own wasn't some grandiose act of remedying Edmund the Cowardly's mistakes. It was so we may have a piece of land which is unbound. Where the people can still survive if something is to ever happen to me."

"Oh heavens." Edmund heaved a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And yes, I know you hate when such things are talked about or mentioned, but they're a necessity." Arwen added on with a small smile on her face, amused by watching his reactions. "Especially as we decided I were to remain as I am until Lot's been handled."

"Well, if we're fortunate, he'll be out of our hairs soon enough." Edmund said with a happy smile. The land dispute after Cenred's death had taken longer than anyone anticipated, king Lot proving himself a worthy adversary to Prairene's still growing strength. And because of that, many had agreed that it was wisest for Arwen to continue to maintain her cover as a physician in Camelot even if, when it came to the Pendragons, there was no longer a need.

"Well finally!" A call from the training grounds made Arwen and Edmund's conversation quick to reach its end as they came to their intended destination. "I was beginning to think I'll have to give into these fools and let them at Gwen if you didn't come." Mycah's words seemed to make the colour drain from Gwen's face in horror while the knights still loitering about the training grounds laughed in amusement.

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