The Gates of Avalon [1]

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Arwen sat with Morgana on her bed, Gwen not far as she prepared the lady's belongings for the day ahead. 

"It felt so real. I saw him die." Morgana spoke in a weak voice, her fingers fumbling with the blankets which still covered her legs. 

"It was just a dream my Lady. If you wish I can draw up another draught for you; a stronger one so you can sleep deeply without any dreams to trouble you." Arwen took hold of the woman's hands to stop their nervous twisting and turning. 

From the start of her apprenticeship with Gaius, Arwen had been aware of Morgana's need for sleeping draughts to help her rest through the night without nightmares plaguing her dreams. But sometimes, the mind proved more powerful than a potion. 

"Could you? I'd be extremely grateful." Morgana hoped this time the draught would work, as the last one she had received did little to help as of late. 

"Of course, I'll be sure to get to it as soon as I am back in my chambers." Arwen offered her a smile. She had been doing some reading and had a few ideas on which ingredients could be more helpful in Morgana's condition. 

"But now my Lady, it is time to get dressed so that we can go to the market and explore a bit. I know that always manages to cheer you up." Gwen interjected in a light tone, and it seemed that just the thought was enough to lift Morgana's spirits in the moment. 

"Would you care to join us Arwen?" Morgana asked the redhead who smiled happily. 

"I'd be honoured to my Lady. I've been curious to check whether some herbs have come in for a few days now." Arwen said, her mind instantly jumping to the list she had made up within her head. It wasn't a list of usual necessities but instead ingredients she had heard about and wanted to try them herself. However, soon she noticed the looks she was receiving from the other two women. "What? Do I have something on my face?" 

"Surrounded by dresses, silks, jewellery and pretty trinkets and all you can think of is herbs?" Morgana couldn't hold back a laugh as she shook her head at her friend for Arwen could truly be odd at times. 

"Oh don't judge. Plants are a pretty thing and useful at the same time." Arwen defended but it only made the two laugh even more as Guinevere started to help Morgana prepare for the day and their trip into town. 

Morgana and Gwen had managed to force Arwen to pay attention to more than plants, herbs and spices in the market, and wanting to appease Morgana as the trip to the markets was more for her sake than anything else, Arwen had focused on other things

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Morgana and Gwen had managed to force Arwen to pay attention to more than plants, herbs and spices in the market, and wanting to appease Morgana as the trip to the markets was more for her sake than anything else, Arwen had focused on other things. In the end, it resulted in her staying back in the markets when Morgana and Gwen chose to return back to the castle as word spread of Arthur's return from the hunting trip he and Merlin had gone on earlier in the morning. 

Now by herself, Arwen moved through the streets of the city, one of her hands holding the basket she carried with her for the supplies she had bought, while with the other she rummaged through them, wanting to make sure she had gotten everything before she made her way back to the castle. Not watching where she was going, Arwen was almost run over by a trolley of hay intercepting her path 
And she probably would have been were it not for a pair of hands pulling on her shoulders and making her take a sudden step back. 

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