The Eye of the Phoenix [2]

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The path which they followed to the very edge of the forest, led them to a clearing leading up to a bridge. It was the only way to cross over onto the other side, but with the eery silence stretching over it, Gwaine, Arwen, and Merlin spared a moment to remain hidden as they observed the area.

With a tap on both their shoulders, Gwaine managed to get their attention, silent signals relaying a plan in which he and Arwen would take two directions to scout out the area and ensure there were no threats waiting for them there. And with a nod of her head, Arwen agreed, heading off to the left while Gwaine went the opposite way.

However, as she scoured the area with careful eyes it wasn't long before Arwen began to return to where they'd left Merlin. Only, as she drew closer, the sound of voices engaging in a conversation caught her attention. One of them she recognized as her brother, the other entirely unfamiliar and making her rush forward and out into the clearing.

"Ah! And Hope has chosen to join us. Welcome." Arwen's brows furrowed as she spotted the man standing on the edge of the bridge, observing her with inexplicable mirth in his eyes.


"Apparently, I'm Magic." Merlin pointed out to her. He wasn't sure about the meaning of the titles, aside from the obvious part, but he doubted they'd be getting an explanation.

Although, an explanation wasn't the first thing Arwen desired as her weary eyes turned to glare at the man. "And you are?" She questioned hesitantly, disliking the idea of a stranger so openly knowing of Merlin's magic when they couldn't be sure what he intended to do with the information.

"The Keeper of the Bridge. I only wish to see the Fisher King's lands restored and prosperity reign again." The man said in a calm voice, smiling back at them despite her tone and showing no signs of initiating trouble. "Until your mission is complete, this cannot happen."

"It's not my mission, it's Arthur's." Merlin pointed out.

"That's what you choose to believe." While the man seemed to disagree, he did not argue on the matter, but simply let them go on thinking so. "It's no accident that Arthur chose this path or you chose to follow him." It was then that his eyes turned to the final member of their party as Gwaine stumbled out of the woods. "Ah, Finally! Strength has arrived, the group is complete."

The sound of his voice had Gwaine quick to draw his sword and point it at the keeper of the bridge, questioning his companions on the matter of the stranger's identity. However, before he could do anything else or properly attack, the sword in Gwaine's hands suddenly turned into a large white flower waving in the breeze. "I mean no harm to any of you. And I'd thank you to mean no harm in return." The man said.

"Where's my sword?" Gwaine grumbled, a displeased glare focused entirely on the useless flower in his hand.

"It will return to you once you reach the other side." The keeper of the bridge announced confidently, the information making Gwaine grimace again as he eagerly began walking towards it, ready to get his weapon back as soon as possible.

With a small laugh, Arwen followed after him, falling into step beside him as they walked along the creaking wooden boards. "My lady, a beautiful flower for a beautiful queen." Gwaine joked as he extended the lily towards her, making Arwen burst with laughter as she fixed him with a questioning look.

"So I can lug it around when it turns back? I don't think so." She said teasingly, the two continuing to laugh together as they moved along the bridge and closer to their final destination.

" She said teasingly, the two continuing to laugh together as they moved along the bridge and closer to their final destination

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