The Flower of Eidheann [3]

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As the night fell over the castle, in the physicians' chambers, the chair which had thus far been occupied by Merlin at Arwen's bedside was now where Gwen was sitting, choosing that evening to come and see her friend as well as offer any help that she could during Merlin's absence. She knew that, while the majority of the castle was led to believe Arthur had gone on a hunting trip, they'd all gone to get whatever was needed to help Arwen recover.

"Do you think they'll make it in time?" She couldn't help but ask as she placed a warm compress to Arwen's forehead, their main task being to keep her warm as much as they could. While she was determined to do her part in helping her friend stay alive while they waited, the worry was one she couldn't dispel from her mind from the moment they'd left.

"They left early enough. There's still time." Gaius reassured her with a convinced nod of his own, knowing that it wasn't just belief and hope fuelling his words but also knowledge and understanding of the poison they'd managed to gather since the discovery of what it was.

The sound of the bedroom door opening brought their conversation to an end as they both turned to look at the newcomer, Gwen quick to rise to her feet at the sight of Morgana standing at the door. "My lady, is there something you need me for?" She asked worriedly, thinking she'd shrunk her duties or forgotten something she was supposed to do.

"No, no. I'm here to see how she is, that's all." The lady reassured her maid with ease, eyes turning to Gaius whose own suspicious gaze remained on her. "She is my friend, after all. I'm worried." Morgana added, tone somewhat pointed as she reminded Gaius of her and Arwen's bond. If anything, it would have been odd for Morgana not to come and check on her sooner or later.

"She's holding on." Gaius said vaguely, unwilling to reveal much else in that moment. But it was enough for Morgana.

"Good." The dark-haired woman said, letting out a small sigh of relief at the words. And it wasn't a reaction she needed to pretend or act for. When she heard of what had happened, Morgana had been ready to go to Morgause for her help. Arwen dying would have put a wrench in their plans that she didn't wish to have to face. She needed Arwen for her plans to work, and she was glad to know it was still possible to maintain them. "I'm glad to hear it."

Riding through the forest, a tense silence hung over the four men since the moment they'd resumed their journey after the last break they'd taken, and that had been hours ago

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Riding through the forest, a tense silence hung over the four men since the moment they'd resumed their journey after the last break they'd taken, and that had been hours ago. It was clear all of them were growing more tired, having been riding for nearly a day now and only stopping for short moments when it was absolutely necessary. They'd already passed the Camelot border, making their way through the kingdom of Prairene on high alert.

"Sire," It was Leon who spoke first, finally breaking the silence as his head turned to look at the prince, a somewhat hesitant look in his eyes as he spoke. But he knew it had to be said. "I know you wish to be as quick as possible, but we need rest. The horses need rest. They're of no use to us if they are unable to continue."

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