Lancelot [4]

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Once more the danger they faced came in the form of magic; magic which seemed to be impossible to defeat. And of course, the King refused to listen to the voice of reason Gaius had tried to provide once he, Arthur, Arwen and Merlin had spoken to Uther of what had happened when the Knights faced the Griffin.

"Is it true?" Merlin's voice was the first to break the silence which had fallen upon them during the walk from the throne room and back to the physician's chambers. "The Griffin can only be killed by magic?" He added on, turning to look at Gaius while he spoke. Arwen closed the door behind her, looking between both of them worriedly. If it were true, that didn't mean any good would come from Arthur and the Knights riding out in just a few hours to face the beast.

"Yes, Merlin. I'm certain of it. If Arthur rides out against it, he'll die." Gaius informed in a solemn tone, one that made Arwen's shoulders sag, almost in sign of defeat, while Merlin tensed even more at the words.

"Then he must be stopped. Uther must see reason." Arwen listened to her brother speak with a tone of urgency. But unlike him, she didn't see the possibility of any such thing happening; at least not as quickly as it needed to.

"I doubt it is something that can be accomplished in two hours' time, you know what he is like." She spoke, her hand settling on Merlin's shoulder as she hoped to make him worry less; to know that she was right there beside him for whatever came next. Because right now, only one option seemed like a possibility. A highly dangerous one, and she wished there were any other.

"Where magic is concerned, our King is blind to reason. And yet...magic is our only hope." Gaius was the first to allude to it as he gave Merlin a meaningful look, walking to stand in front of him now, hoping that the boy would catch on to what he had meant by his words. And Merlin did...

"You're not suggesting..." He questioned in surprise, looking to Gaius with wide eyes as he realized what the Court Physician intended to say. The thought did not sit well with him, and just one look down to his sister's face made it clear to Merlin that while she understood the same as him, she wasn't pleased with it either.

"It is your destiny, Merlin. The true purpose of your magic." Gaius pointed out with a nod of his head in confirmation of the suspicions he knew must be going through Merlin's mind at the moment.

With every passing day, Arwen grew more tired of hearing the words destiny and purpose in regards to Merlin. Was he to spend his every waking moment risking his life for the sake of the kingdom? How in the world was that fair? She wished she could help him, with any of it, but Arwen didn't even know how to say an enchantment, much less make one work. But if she could, for him she'd do it in a heartbeat; even if it was prohibited.

"You saw it, Gaius. I can't go up against that thing." Merlin's head started to shake in refusal as he began to doubt his abilities, to doubt the fact that he could actually face the Griffin and defeat it.

"But if you do not, then Arthur will surely perish." Gaius pointed out calmly, trying to make Merlin see the sense of his words. He looked to Arwen who stood by her brother, hoping she would help him in this, but Arwen herself felt divided on what to do.

"No...this is madness. I don't have magic that powerful. There must be another way." Whether it was blind hope, or Merlin truly believed in his words as he started to pace in front of Gaius, Arwen couldn't be certain. However, still, she chose to believe it too, at least for a moment.

"We have time, perhaps we can find something." She suggested in a hopeful tone, moving away from her spot and starting to scan through the many books, leather bounds, and titles littered across the chamber.

"This is the only way." Gaius' was completely convinced in what he was saying that Arwen forced herself to abandon the book she had taken hold of with a heavy sigh. Her own hope was starting to dwindle, but while she was starting to see that magic was the only thing they could count on, she didn't want it to have to be Merlin's magic.

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