Gwaine [3]

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In all the chaos that had transpired throughout the night, Arwen had entirely forgotten about her meeting with Edmund in the library. She remembered only once the audience with the king had ended, but by the time she arrived, the Warren seemed to have retired for the night already. It left the redhead walking through the halls back to the physicians' chambers in the night, already thinking of her apology for the next morning.

However, she put a slight pause to her thinking as her eyes caught sight of someone heading towards her from the other side of the hallway. "You better not be thinking of leaving without saying goodbye." She spoke up, making his eyes glance up from his own two feet as a smile came over his face.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Gwaine said with a laugh as the two came to stand in front of each other in the middle of the hall. "Care to join me?" He asked, reminding her of the offer he'd made to run away together when they first met. It made Arwen laugh in amusement, albeit it was short-lived.

"I'm sorry for what happened." Arwen's smile slowly slipped from her face as she spoke, a sigh escaping her. "But thank you for what you did for Merlin. It was brave."

"Lot of good it did me." Gwaine gave a small shrug of his shoulders, trying to act unbothered by the entire ordeal. But the woman standing across from him wasn't so easily fooled.

"I know Arthur, he's not like his father. One day, he'll repay you for saving his life. I'm sure of it." Arwen tried to lift his spirits, knowing that what happened here today wouldn't be something hanging over them forever. She was sure of it.

"He did try to speak up for me." Gwaine nodded in agreement, despite his initial judgements now more open to admitting that Arthur may not fit into the exact mould of nobles he'd devised in his own head.

"He's fair, and loyal." Arwen nodded her head, a new smile starting to spread over her lips as she spoke now. "He'll make a great king one day."

"Clearly." Gwaine's voice had Arwen jumping out of her own thoughts as her eyes snapped back over to his. "If he makes everyone feel the way that you do." The smile on his face made Arwen quickly start shaking her head in an attempt to deny it.

"A lot of people would say that about him, not just me." She tried to point out, but if the knowing smile on Gwaine's face was anything to go by, he wasn't truly believing her.

"At least now I know why you wouldn't run away with me." Still, he let it go, for now, and instead quipped with another joking retort which Arwen couldn't help but laugh at. Of course he'd find a way to use it to soften the blow to his ego. "I hope to see you again, someday, my lady." With a small nod of his head, Gwaine soon pushed past her and continued on his way.

But he didn't get far before Arwen called him back. "If you ever change your mind about being a knight. I know a noble who'd be happy to have you." She said in a firm tone, letting him know that Prairene's doors were always open to him.

"One day, I might take you up on that." Gwaine said openly, because if he'd realized one thing during his short stay in Camelot it was that some nobles truly were worth dying for.

" Gwaine said openly, because if he'd realized one thing during his short stay in Camelot it was that some nobles truly were worth dying for

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