A Remedy to Cure All Ills [1]

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Arwen's morning had been spent away from the castle and Camelot itself as she had focused much of her time on gathering some herbs within the forest surrounding the walls. Some of them were mere necessities which they were running low on in the Physician's Chambers, while some of the others she had been curious to find having read of their healing properties.

And the fact that she had managed to find the majority of what she needed resulted in Arwen moving through the halls of the castle, on her way back to the Chambers, with a wide smile on her face. However, her happiness was deterred by the tense atmosphere which had obviously spread through the halls in her absence, making Arwen curious as to what may have happened while she had been away.

She knew the best place to find answers was with Gaius so she headed on her way, her steps increasing. However, she was cut short as she almost crashed into another person moving quickly. Tightening her hold on the basket in her arms, Arwen sent the woman a wide eyed look, especially once she took note of her distraught demeanour.

"Gwen? What's wrong? What happened?" Arwen asked worriedly. She wasn't sure what to expect to have happened, but seeing Gwen so worried made Arwen fear of what it may have been this time. By now it was obvious living within the halls of Camelot ensured that peace and calm were always short-lived.

"It's Morgana, she's fallen ill. Gaius is with her right now." Gwen explained in a rush, wishing to get back to Morgana's chambers as soon as possible. And Arwen could understand that perfectly.

"Come on." She started to move again, her and Gwen rushing through the halls together. Gwen continued to explain that just the night before Morgana had seemed perfectly alright, knowing that Arwen might have knowledge which could help Gaius in his examination of the Lady. Although, such a sudden illness didn't provide them with much background on how it happened anyways.

It wasn't long before the two women reached lady Morgana's chambers, and Gwen didn't even knock as she entered the rooms, knowing everyone should be expecting her return.

"Gaius, I managed to find Arwen." Gwen announced as she entered the room, many of the people in it turning to look towards the door as they entered. Arwen could see the small spark of hope appear in their eyes as she came in, but to her it was not a good sign. Gaius was already here, if they found hope in her arrival that would have to mean whatever was wrong with Morgana was far from easy to cure.

"Let me take that." Merlin appeared by her side, reaching for the basket in her hands. Arwen sent him a thankful nod as she let go of the basket and moved over to stand on the other side of Morgana's bed, opposite of Gaius who leaned over the dark haired woman as he examined her.

"Do you know what's wrong with her Gaius?" Uther quickly questioned, not really giving mind to Arwen who had arrived. While she had shown her skills as an apprentice, when it came to his ward, the King still put more trust in the Physician who had served him for decades now.

"Without sufficient evidence I'll have to do some research before coming to a final conclusion Sire." Gaius answered honestly. He himself wasn't sure of what exactly was wrong with Lady Morgana. There was no fever, no wounds or blood, nothing seemed to indicate that she was sick.

"How long will that take?" Uther questioned, obviously impatient as he wished to get the answers he desired, not veiled pieces of information. Arthur could understand his father's impatience, he too worried of what ailed Morgana, but he also knew that Gaius would need time to be able to treat her to the best of his ability.

"I'm sure the sooner they start their research the sooner they can treat Morgana, father." Arthur spoke his mind openly, hoping that he was right and the two physicians would have answers for them soon enough.

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