Beauty and the Beast [3]

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While Merlin had resurfaced during the wedding, by the time he arrived it was much too late. Arwen had to admit, she was relieved to have her brother back and safe, sure that he was fine after too much time spent worrying. Even if it did mean that Camelot woke the next morning with a new Queen.

It certainly made matters more difficult, but until they were sure on how to handle the situation, they were forced to resume their lives as they were. Which was why she and Gaius were back to their duties as physicians, discussing all that they had to do during the day.

"I'll make an extra stop to deliver Lord Morrigan's potion, since we've already made it. And then I'll come back so we can-" She was cut off in the middle of her sentence as the door to the physicians' chambers burst open, Leon and a few other guards rushing inside as they began to search the place. "What in the world is going on, Leon?"

Instead of answering her question, Leon asked one of his own. "Where's Merlin?" He fixed both physicians with a questioning gaze even as confused and curious looks spread over their faces.

"Where he always is at this time: working for Arthur. What's this about?" Gaius repeated Arwen's inquiry, raising an eyebrow at the knights now rustling about. After all, there weren't that many places where Merlin could be hidden around here.

"We've come to arrest him, by order of the King."

"I'm sorry, what? What for?!" Arwen questioned in disbelief before Leon even properly gave his reasons. Perhaps he would have continued to explain why if she hadn't interrupted, but she couldn't control it.

And that fact was what made Leon slightly more hesitant to continue. "Theft." He announced, watching as a highly dubious look mixed with the anger which was already painted across Arwen's face. "The Queen has accused him of stealing from her."

"I swear to..." Arwen stopped herself before she could continue, taking in a deep breath. And then a few more. In and out. She remined herself to say nothing in the presence of the guards. The last thing she needed was to be accused of treason and arrested too.

"Arwen, you shouldn't-" Leon tried to say something, hoping to get her to calm down before she did something rash.

"I didn't ask for advice, Leon." Arwen pointed out before he could give it. She suspected that if he tried to finish, it would only make her anger increase. Even if he wasn't its true target.

"We should still remind you; you are of no use to Merlin if you too get arrested." Gaius took over for the knight.

"Good luck to anyone who tries." Arwen grumbled out, the anger in her eyes making Leon hold back a wince as she pushed past him. With her bag long forgotten, Arwen rushed through the door of the physicians' chambers, disappearing in the halls before anyone even had a chance to try and stop her.

With a sigh, Leon looked down to Gaius as he spoke again. "I'll talk to some people. Make sure she doesn't get arrested too." He promised, making Gaius send him a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Leon."

With that done, Leon motioned for the guards to follow him. Merlin obviously wasn't there, and with his sister on a warpath to find him before they did, Leon suspected this wouldn't end well for anyone

 Merlin obviously wasn't there, and with his sister on a warpath to find him before they did, Leon suspected this wouldn't end well for anyone

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