The Poisoned Chalice [1]

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Whenever Uther housed guests within Camelot, Gaius was always kind enough to extend his services to all those who have arrived to the palace and were staying there. However, on this day, Arwen found herself running from chamber to chamber, speaking with knights, courtiers and servants alike and asking whether any of them would need any of the court physician's services. She got a couple of requests for sleeping draughts and some pain tonics, but the requirements weren't too extensive by the time she finished. With both her and Gaius working together she was sure they would have everything ready by the next morning.

As she had finished visiting the last of King Bayard's men, Arwen began to make her way back to the physician's chambers. Gaius too had gone to speak with a couple of their guests so she wasn't sure whether he would be there, but she knew she could get started on some of the requests she had gotten. As she made her way through the halls she greeted and smiled at everyone she passed. Camelot has slowly become her home, and by now she was well acquainted with the familiar faces that she passed on a daily basis. Everyone was extremely polite and friendly towards her, with the exception of a rare few knights that Arwen didn't pay much mind to anyways.

However, this time, the halls were bustling with much more people than normal, but Arwen didn't discriminate. She politely greeted anyone she didn't recognize, and with the adorned blue colours that many of them worse it was easy to understand that the new faces belonged to King Bayard's party. With peace looming over them, Arwen had made a point of greeting those who greeted her, and welcoming them to Camelot.

She had just rounded a corner after speaking to one of the servants who had asked her for directions towards the palace kitchens. Her eyes quickly caught sight of Merlin speaking to a beautiful girl that Arwen suspected was one of their guests. She also caught sight of Gaius standing not too far from the pair and giving Merlin a look of amusement. Arwen caught the way that the woman smiled at Merlin before walking past him and moving towards her. Their eyes met as they walked by one another, and Arwen gave her a smile before refocusing her eyes on Merlin and Gaius as she walked over to them.

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?" Gaius asked Merlin with a small laugh, making Arwen raise her eyebrow as she stopped by them and looked between her brother and mentor.

"What exactly are you running?" Arwen asked as Merlin sent a small glare towards Gaius, but it was obvious he was amused by the question as well.

"Camelot, my dear, he runs Camelot." Gaius told her as if it were a well known fact, continuing his teasing. Arwen couldn't help but laugh at that, quickly gathering that it must've been about something that Merlin had said in his conversation with the beautiful servant only moments before. "Come now, there is much to do." Gaius said after her laughter had died down and the two said their goodbyes to Merlin before walking off and starting to discuss all the requests Arwen had gathered.

Arwen's laughter rang through the physician's chambers as she entered her and Merlin's room to get ready for the banquet which was held that evening as a celebration of the peace treaty between the two kingdoms

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Arwen's laughter rang through the physician's chambers as she entered her and Merlin's room to get ready for the banquet which was held that evening as a celebration of the peace treaty between the two kingdoms. It was a loud laugh that, to Merlin, seemed like it would never end. He found himself glaring at his sister, very displeased with the reaction he was getting.

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