The Witchfinder [2]

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The next day, Arwen found herself standing in front of the King, having requested an audience. With only the two of them in the council chambers, she openly spoke about why she came. "Sire, please, you've known Gaius for decades now. He's always been loyal to you. He would never break Camelot's laws, much less mock you in the streets as Aredian has suggested."

"Arwen, I knew why you asked to speak with me before you even came." Uther admitted honestly. "But the amulet was found among Gaius' things, and he's taken responsibility for it. My hands are tied." Arwen wanted to scream at him that he was the bloody King. He could untie his own hands if he wanted to.

"Aredian is questioning him right now. If there is any kind of explanation that might spare him, we'll know. The Witchfinder will get us the answers we need." Uther added on further. Seeing as Arwen opened her mouth to say something else, he was quick to interrupt. "You are dismissed now."

Keeping in a small sigh, Arwen curtsied to the King before turning her back and heading for the door, her mind already focused on other ways in which she could help save both Gaius and Merlin from Aredian's accusations. But before she could fully disappear, the sound of Uther calling her name had Arwen turning back again.

"If you wish to keep your position, this will be the last you speak on this." While so far, he'd been more understanding that she would have perhaps expected, the coldness was now more than apparent in the King's tone. "I granted you one time to be emotional about the situation. Any further protest and you will be regarded as an accomplice." He announced, knowing that Aredian was already insisting on discovering just how much Gaius had 'taught' Arwen during her time under his tutelage.

"I understand, my Lord." Arwen said in a quiet tone, curtsying once more in an attempt to seem as normal as she could. With that she rushed out of the council chambers. And once she did, she had but one specific location in mind as she began to make her way through the halls.

While she'd told Uther she understood his command, Arwen knew this wouldn't be the last time she tried to save Gaius. She couldn't just give up. Not when she suspected her plan would be enough to clear both him and Merlin of any further suspicions.

She ran through the halls all the way down to the basements and would have continued on if her path wasn't suddenly intercepted by none other than her brother. The one who'd been avoiding her since last night.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a surprised tone, moving around and slightly fidgety under her gaze as he worried she might've obtained the ability to read minds in the past twenty-four hours.

"Probably the same as you. Trying to see if Kilgharrah might have an idea on how to stop all of this." That was a lie, but she couldn't possibly tell her brother the truth. She knew he'd try to stop her in an instant.

"Yes, that... That is what I'm doing too." Merlin lied as well. Neither of the siblings were foolish enough to tell each other their plans. "But he doesn't. It's a waste of time." He pointed out soon after.

But for the sake of her plan, Arwen couldn't let herself seem deterred by that. "I have to try at least. Maybe he'll get tired of our pestering and help." Merlin was certainly ready to protest against that, but before he could, Arwen pushed past him and continued on her way, descending down into the caves beneath Camelot as quickly as she could.

Unlike what she told Merlin, Arwen wasn't actually going down there to see the dragon. She didn't even have to go all the way to his cave. She simply needed to walk just a little further into the narrow paths leading towards it until she came to an indentation in the floor. A small space covered with a rock. And once she removed it, she dug through the things hidden below it.

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