The Darkest Hour [3]

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Three days and, more importantly, three nights, that is how long Arthur had been gone. And that is how long the horror of the Dorocha continued to plague the kingdom. Each night they attacked. And each night, even with all the precautions and shelters in place, all the fires and torches and candles lit throughout the town, each night they continued to lose people. Less so than the first, at least. But there were losses, nonetheless.

Even more so in the outlying villages from which people continued to flock to the city. Many of them coming along with injuries which they'd sustained during attacks, escapes, or even merely on the road to the castle. It was mostly them that kept Arwen and Gaius' days busy with patients, both physicians trying to see and tend to as many people as they could before they were forced to retreat to the castle each evening before the sun could set in the sky.

And the time to do so was upon them once more. However, as they'd done the past three days as well, both Gaius and Arwen were determined to do as much as they can, preparing supplies for both the knight and next morning so their time wouldn't be wasted doing so when they were needed and able to help.

"We need more stretchers." Gaius announced to one of the guards who'd been tasked with obtaining all the supplies which the physicians would need. "And sheets, as many sheets as we can find."

"We should be getting back to the physicians' chambers soon." Dario announced as he watched the knight go, one of the servants already carrying sheets in the direction of the tower where they'd be needed.

Throughout the days of waiting, they'd devised a system. While the physicians' chambers indeed were too small to house five people, Gaius and Arwen had yet to spend a night alone as Edmund, Mycah and Dario all took turns ensuring the Princess' safety during the dangerous times. And tonight, it was Dario's turn once more.

"You're right." Gaius began to agree with a nod of his head, however, before any one of them could begin to make their way to the chambers, the sound of Gwen's voice calling out to the physicians had them both pausing, Dario as well, as they turned to look at her.

"The guards were under orders to shut the city gates at dusk." Gwen's announcement had Arwen's eyes turning to the window, watching in shock as the guards pushed back against a swarm of people trying to get through the gates in the last moments before they closed.

"Who's orders?" Gaius questioned.

"Lord Agravaine's." Gwen's explanation had Arwen's anger threatening to bubble up. Arthur trusted him enough to leave him in control of Camelot while he was away, and this was what Agravain did? Clearly, she wasn't the only one upset by it, if Gaius determined steps, leading in the opposite direction of that which would take them to the physicians' chambers, were anything to go by.

Gwen, Arwen, and Dario didn't hesitate in following after him as he led the way to the council chambers where they knew the last meeting of the day would be held at this time. While Arwen and Gaius usually participated in those meeting, during this time they were relieved of such duties so they may dedicate all their time to the patients coming to them.

Arwen couldn't help but note that it was curious that Agravaine had made his decision to close the gate during one such meeting from which the physicians, those who'd clearly oppose such an idea were absent. But she didn't mention it as Gaius pushed through the doors of the council chambers, letting the older physician take control of the situation as he faced the entirety of the council from his spot at the front of their small group.

"Arwen, Gaius. Have you come to join us?" Agravaine questioned with a smile on his face as he looked over at them, acting as if he didn't mind the sudden interruption of his meeting.

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