A Remedy to Cure All Ills [3]

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Arwen's determined steps led her through the corridors of the castle. She had never been one to give up easily even when it came to the simplest of things. This... This wasn't a simple thing. This was Gaius, and she'd be damned if she just let it happen. As she neared the Physician's quarters, Arwen spotted a familiar face walking towards her. 

"Merlin!" She called his name, hoping to catch his attention before he mindlessly rushed past her. Thankfully he stopped just in time to find himself next to her making Arwen turn slightly so she could look up at him. "Where are you rushing off to? Have you spoken with Gaius?" 

"I have. I need to talk to Arthur, I need to stop this from happening." Merlin shared his sister's determination when it came to this, and she expected it. They both loved Gaius dearly, as if he were their own father, they weren't about to just let him go. 

"We'll find a way, Merlin. All three of us will try, you know that right?" Arwen took a moment to try and reassure him. He could worry just as much as she at times, and whenever that happened she wished she could ease his mind every time. 

"Not all three of us." Merlin mumbled, his voice disappointed and sad as he thought of the conversation he just had with Gaius. Seeing Arwen's confused eyes, he added on. "He's packing his things, he plans on leaving." 

"What?! Why? He knows he didn't make a mistake, he knows he's right. Why just accept it without even trying?" Arwen questioned even though she knew there was probably no answers that Merlin could give her.

"I don't know, but his mind is made up. There's nothing I could say." Merlin shook his head, looking sadder by the moment as their conversation continued. 

"You go to Arthur, I'll take care of Gaius." Arwen instructed. Merlin may not have been able to draw answers from the physician but that didn't mean Arwen didn't plan on trying to do it herself. Merlin nodded. One of them was bound to have some success. He had to believe that. With the deal made, the two siblings parted ways, both determined to do their best to change this while there was still time. 

Arwen was even quicker this time. She doubted Gaius would leave without saying goodbye to her, but she needed to make sure she wouldn't miss him or that he himself didn't go searching for her. So when she burst through the door of the chambers she was relieved to see her mentor was still there, packing the last of his belongings which he was taking with him. 

"What in God's name are you doing?" She questioned him without a moment to pause. 

"Arwen, please. You can't change my mind on this." Gaius knew what she would try to go and between her and Merlin, Arwen was the stubborn one. Which said a lot. 

"Then at least make me understand it. You know Edwin is lying, you know you've made no errors, so why leave? Especially when Uther hasn't demanded you do so. Why wouldn't you stay and prove he is lying. The fact that we have no proof right now doesn't mean we won't find it. I am still here and I will be working as his apprentice. It's the perfect position to be in to find something."

Gaius allowed her to say what she needed to. He knew she wouldn't stop until she got it out. But when she was finished he knew he had to share with her his reasons. He knew it was dangerous, sharing what he had learned about Edwin and the threat he had made if he revealed it to anyone. But if he was leaving, someone needed to know. Someone needed to be in the position to protect Merlin. And there was nobody he'd trust more with it than Arwen who had been doing so for the last fourteen years. 

"I can't challenge Edwin." Gaius replied calmly, although he didn't expect her to take the same manner as he in this situation. So before she could go off on a rant again, he continued. "I've discovered who Edwin is, why he seems so familiar. I treated him for the burns on his face." 

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